Key Answer: Mock Exam -3

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1) Which of the following dramatists are associated with the Epic Theatre? (a) Fernando Arrabal; (b) Bertolt Brecht; (c) Arnold Bronnen; (d) James Saunders

A:) a and b only

B:) b and c only

C:) a and d only

D:) b and d only

springline- Correct option B:) b and c only


2) Who among the following presented the concept of ‘multi-accentuality of the sign, saying that signs process an inner dialectical quality and evaluative accent?’

A:) Roland Barthes

B:) Stuart hall

C:) Jacques Derrida

D:) Valentin Voloshinov

springline- Correct option D:) Valentin Voloshinov


3) Arrange the following in the chronological order of publication: (a) Crome Yellow; (b) Sons and Lovers; (c) Mrs Dalloway; (d) A portrait of the Artist as a Young Man

A:) b,a,d,c

B:) a,b,d,c

C:) a,c,b,d

D:) b,d,a,c

springline- Correct option D:) b,d,a,c


4) Which one of the following statements is true about Aristotle’s Poetics?

A:) He asserted the value of poetry by integrating rhetoric and imitation (mimesis)

B:) He asserted the value of poetry by focusing on both rhetoric and imitation (mimesis)

C:) He asserted the value of poetry by giving preference to rhetoric over imitation (mimesis)

D:) He asserted the value of poetry by focusing on imitation (mimesis) rather than rhetoric.

springline- Correct option D:) He asserted the value of poetry by focusing on imitation (mimesis) rather than rhetoric.


5) Who among the following are the two great masters of the French language that T.S. Eliot contrasts with Dryden and Milton in The Metaphysical Poets?

A:) Francois Villon and Jean Racine

B:) Francois Villon and Arthur Rimbaud

C:) Jean Racine and Charles Baudelaire

D:) Jean Racine and Arthur Rimbaud

springline- Correct option C:) Jean Racine and Charles Baudelaire


6) Who among the following feminist theorists posited a separate realm of female experience captured in a style of writing different from men’s? (a) Elaine Showalter; (b) Luce Irigaray; (c) Kate Millet; (d) Simone de Beauvoir; (e) Helene Cixous;

A:) a, c, and d only

B:) b and d only

C:) c, d, and e only

D:) b and e only

springline- Correct option D:) b and e only


7) Which two texts among the following are linked to literary feminism?

A:) A Small Place and A Room of One’s Own

B:) Emma and A Room of One’s Own

C:) The Yellow Wallpaper and A Room of One’s Own

D:) A Small Place and Emma

springline- Correct option C:) The Yellow Wallpaper and A Room of One’s Own


8) Arrange the following plays in the chronological order of publication: (a) All for Love; (b) Venice Preserved; (c) The School for Scandal; (d) The Country Wife;

A:) b,c,a,d

B:) d,a,b,c

C:) c,b,d,a

D:) a,d,c,b

springline- Correct option B:) d,a,b,c


9) Who among the following linguists proposed the terms ‘competence’ and ‘performance’?

A:) Noah Webster

B:) Steven Pinker

C:) Roman Jakobson

D:) Noam Chomsky

springline- Correct option D:) Noam Chomsky


10) As mentioned in ‘My First Acquaintance with Poets’ which poet does William Hazlitt describe as the ‘only person I ever knew who answered the idea of a man of genius’?

A:) Coleridge

B:) Wordsworth

C:) Byron

D:) Shelley

springline- Correct option A:) Coleridge


11) Which one of the following assumptions best express the position of Post-Structuralist criticism?

A:) Define structures underline empirical events

B:) Language is representational

C:) Apprehension of reality is construct

D:) Knowledge operates according to procedures that are axiomatic

springline- Correct option C:) Apprehension of reality is construct


12) Which one among the following is a set of the Metaphysical Poets?

A:) John Dryden, George Herbert, Alexander Pope

B:) Henry Vaughan, John Dryden, and John Donne

C:) John Donne, Henry Vaughan, and Andrew Marvell

D:) Samuel Johnson, T.S. Eliot and Herbert Grierson

springline- Correct option C:) John Donne, Henry Vaughan, and Andrew Marvell


13) Which one of the following best explains the term ‘paralanguage’?

A:) The ways in which people mask what they mean by the words they use

B:) The ways in which people show what they mean other than by the words they use

C:) The ways in which words carry meanings unintended by the speaker

D:) The ways in which the silence underlying speech communicates wrong meanings

springline- Correct option B:) The ways in which people show what they mean other than by the words they use


14) Arrange the following in the chronological order of publication: (a) Advancement of Learning; (b) The Origin of Species; (c) On Heroes and Hero Worship; (d) The Lives of the Poets;

A:) d,a,c,b

B:) d,a,b,c

C:) a,d,c,b

D:) a,d,b,c

springline- Correct option C:) a,d,c,b


15) To which mythological character is Faustus compared in the Prologue of Dr. Faustus?

A:) Perseus

B:) Theseus

C:) Icarus

D:) Achilles

springline- Correct option C:) Icarus


16) Which of the following are the major themes in William Congreve’s The Way of the World?

A:) Jealousy and revenge

B:) love and intrigue

C:) intrigue and death

D:) love and loyalty

springline- Correct option B:) love and intrigue


17) On December 11, 1823, Rammohan Roy addressed a letter to the British authority which pleaded for modern western education and is considered historically important for the introduction of English education in India. Who was the letter addressed to?

A:) Lord Amherst

B:) Lord Minto

C:) Lord Macaulay

D:) Lord Bentick

springline- Correct option A:) Lord Amherst


18) Which one of the following is correct about Saussure’s analysis of language?

A:) La longue is the system of a language

B:) Parole focuses on language as a system at a particular time

C:) La longue is the particular instance of speech and writing

D:) Parole is the study of language over a period of time

springline- Correct option A:) La longue is the system of a language


19) Poetry according to Sir Philip Sidney is of three kinds. They are:

A:) religious, dramatic, romantic

B:) classical, romantic, neo-classical

C:) philosophical, imaginative, narrative

D:) religious, philosophical, imaginative

springline- Correct option D:) religious, philosophical, imaginative


20) Arrange the following authors in the chronological order of their birth: (A) Oscar Wilde; (B) Geoffrey Chaucer; (C) John Dryden; (D) Alexander Pope;

A:) B, C, D, A

B:) A, B, C, D

C:) D, C, A, B

D:) B, D, C, A

springline- Correct option A:) B, C, D, A


21) Which two rivers are mentioned by Andrew Marvell at the beginning of ‘To His Coy Mistress’?

A:) The Ganges and The Jhelum

B:) The Ganges and Thames

C:) The Ganges and Humber

D:) Thames and Humber

springline- Correct option C:) The Ganges and Humber


22) Which among the following group of writers is labelled as ‘University Wits’

A:) Thomas Lodge, Thomas Wilson, Walter Raleigh

B:) John Fletcher, Ben Jonson, George Peele

C:) Thomas Kyd, Francis Beaumont, John Lyly

D:) Christopher Marlowe, Robert Greene, Thomas Nash

springline- Correct option D:) Christopher Marlowe, Robert Greene, Thomas Nash


23) In which of the following essays did Charles Lamb first use the pseudonym/Persona, Elia?

A:) My First Play

B:) The Two Races of Men

C:) New Year’s Eve

D:) The South Sea House

springline- Correct option D:) The South Sea House


24) Which of the following work by Henry Fielding begins as a parody of Samuel Richardson’s Pamele?

A:) Tome Jones

B:) Don Quixote

C:) Amelia

D:) Joseph Andrews

springline- Correct option D:) Joseph Andrews


25) Which of the following statement is correct?

A:) Language is the language system, and Parole, the individual usage

B:) Language is the language usage, and Parole, the individual system.

C:) Language is the language in abeyance, and Parole, the individual application

D:) Language is language collective, and Parole, the individual deviation

springline- Correct option A:) Language is the language system, and Parole, the individual usage


26) Which of the following periods of English Literature is also called ‘Puritan Interregnum’?

A:) The Neoclassical Period

B:) The Caroline Age

C:) The Restoration

D:) The Commonwealth Period

springline- Correct option D:) The Commonwealth Period


27) Which two of the correctly describe the features of Wuthering Heights? (a) Flash Backs and time shifts; (b) Oedipal obsessions; (c) Magic and Ritual; (d) Acute evocation of place;

A:) a and c

B:) b and d

C:) a and d

D:) c and d

springline- Correct option C:) a and d


28) Who among the following are associated with the ‘Jazz Age’

A:) Ernest Hemingway and Scott Fitzgerald

B:) Ernest Hemingway and John Dos Passos

C:) Ernest Hemingway and A.D. Hope

D:) Ernest Hemingway and Sherwood Anderson

springline- Correct option D:) Ernest Hemingway and Sherwood Anderson


29) In which of the following works is the character ‘Ariel’ an exclusion?

A:) The tempest

B:) Paradise Lost

C:) The Rape of the Lock

D:) The Rime of the Ancient Mariner

springline- Correct option D:) The Rime of the Ancient Mariner


30) Which two of the following are associated with Deconstruction? (a) Jacques Derrida; (b) Raymond Williams; (c) Paul De Man; (d) Jonathan Doli More

A:) a and b

B:) a and c

C:) a and d

D:) b and d

springline- Correct option B:) a and c


31) Which of the following books carried the additional title Sermon on the Sea?

A:) The Religion of Man by Tagore

B:) Essay in the Gita by Aurobindo

C:) Hindi Swaraj or Indian Home Rule by Gandhi

D:) Christ and Satyagraha by Elwin

springline- Correct option C:) Hindi Swaraj or Indian Home Rule by Gandhi


32) Which of the following tales in Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales deals with the murder of a child by jews?

A:) The Monk’s Tale

B:) The Second Nun’s Tale

C:) The Prioress’s Tale

D:) The Shipman’s Tale

springline- Correct option C:) The Prioress’s Tale


33) What is the order of publication of the following books of Noam Chomsky? (a) Problems of Knowledge and Freedom; (b) Aspects of Theory of Syntax; (c) Syntactic Structures; (d) Knowledge of Language;

A:) d, c, b, a

B:) b, c, d, a

C:) c, b, a, d

D:) a, b, c, d

springline- Correct option C:) c, b, a, d


34) Which one of the following paired terms is correct in its explication?

A:) Phonology- Sound system

B:) Semiology – Ordering of speech sounds

C:) Etymology – Sign system

D:) Morphology – Evolution of Words

springline- Correct option A:) Phonology- Sound system


35) From among the following identify the two correct statements in Johnson’s criticism of Shakespeare?(a) His Athenians are not sufficiently Greek and his kings not completely royal. (b) He sacrifices virtue to convenience and is more careful to please than to instruct. (c) He adheres to strict chronology and gives to one age or nation only its own customs and opinions. (d) He sacrifices reason, property and truth to purse even a poor and barren quibble.

A:) a and b

B:) a and c

C:) c and d

D:) b and d

springline- Correct option D:) b and d


36) Which of the following aptly names the language resulting from the contact of two mutually unintelligible language systems?

A:) Creole

B:) Dialect

C:) Colloquial

D:) Pidgin

springline- Correct option D:) Pidgin


37) Which one of the following correctly describes the meaning of Macbeth’s words ‘Life is but a walking shadow’

A:) Life is just devoid of light

B:) Life is just devoid of substance

C:) Life is just devoid of spirit

D:) Life is just devoid of stability

springline- Correct option B:) Life is just devoid of substance


38) Which two writes have written essays on the defense of poety?

A:) Sir Philip Sidney and T.S. Eliot

B:) Sir Philip Sidney and Mathew Arnold

C:) Mathew Arnold and T.S. Eliot

D:) Sir Philip Sidney and P.B. Shelley

springline- Correct option D:) Sir Philip Sidney and P.B. Shelley


39) What term used by Ferdinand de Saussure corresponds to Noam Chomsky’s term ‘Performance’

A:) Difference

B:) Parole

C:) Paradigm

D:) Langue

springline- Correct option B:) Parole


40) From which Greek word does the term ‘comedy’ derive and what does it mean?

A:) Comedia, largeness of heart

B:) Komoidia, revel-song

C:) Comedies, commodious

D:) Komedieon, light foolery

springline- Correct option B:) Komoidia, revel-song


41) What, in sum, is Sidney’s point in the following? 'Nature never set forth the earth in so rich tapestry as divers poets have done; neither with pleasant rivers, fruitful trees, sweet-smelling flowers, nor whatsoever else may make the too-much-loved earth more lovely; her world is brazen, the poets only deliver a golden'. (The Defence of Poesy by Sir Philip Sidney)

A:) Works of art are superior to the natural world they represent.

B:) Works of art can often compete with the natural world represented by them.

C:) Neither the poets nor the natural world they set forth equal nature’s rich tapestry.

D:) The natural world is far superior to the works of art that represent it.

springline- Correct option A:) Works of art are superior to the natural world they represent.


42) Which version of the Lyrical Ballads was the first one to have the preface by Wordsworth?

A:) 1798

B:) 1800

C:) 1802

D:) 1804

springline- Correct option B:) 1800


43) What does ‘Harlem Renaissance’ refer to?

A:) A scientific and rational ethos, including freedom from superstation, in 18th century Europe.

B:) The flourishing of African American literature in the 1920s and 1930s.

C:) A church system, overseen by governing hierarchy of four courts, championed by the English puritans

D:) The revelation of Christ to the Gentiles in the persons of the Magi

springline- Correct option B:) The flourishing of African American literature in the 1920s and 1930s.


44) Who among the following established and popularished the concept of ‘Cardinal Vowels’?

A:) A.S. Homby

B:) E.V. Lucas

C:) Daniel Jones

D:) D.J. Dodson

springline- Correct option C:) Daniel Jones


45) Which of the following combinations correctly defines the phonological system of Indian English in relation in Standard English? (a) Absence of aspirated consonants. (b) Simplified vowel system. (c) Similar international pattern. (d) Presence of voiced aspirated consonants.

A:) a and b

B:) b and d

C:) c and a

D:) b and c

springline- Correct option B:) b and d


46) Which of the following poet does William Hazlitt call ‘Don Quixote-like’ in his essay, My First Acquaintance with Poets?

A:) William Wordsworth

B:) Samuel Taylor Coleridge

C:) William Cowper

D:) Lord Byron

springline- Correct option A:) William Wordsworth


47) Which of the following correctly describes ‘black humour’ as a morbid and provocative treatment of

A:) old age and disease

B:) youth and passionate love

C:) death and disease

D:) childhood and accident

springline- Correct option C:) death and disease


48) S.T. Coleridge “Dejection: An Ode” opens with a epigraph which is a reference to a ballad. Identify the ballad.

A:) ‘Ballad of the Goodly Fere’

B:) ‘Le Belle Dame Sans Merci’

C:) ‘Ballad of Sir Patrick Spence’

D:) ‘Ballad of the Gibbet’

springline- Correct option C:) ‘Ballad of Sir Patrick Spence’


49) Allen Tale once made a useful distinction between structure and texture. The distinction referred to

A:) the main line of a narrative, argument, etc. and the rhetorical, stylistic, metaphorical and other devices respectively.

B:) the device employed to enlighten objects and materials in a narrative, and the objects and material themselves, respectively.

C:) objects and material on which a narrative casts light, and the devices employed to enlighten them respectively.

D:) the rhetorical, stylistic, metaphorical and other devices, and the main line of a narrative, argument, etc, respectively.

springline- Correct option A:) the main line of a narrative, argument, etc. and the rhetorical, stylistic, metaphorical and other devices respectively.


50) choose the opening lines of the poem ‘Ode on a Grecian Urn’

A:) ‘My heart aches, and a drowsy numbness pains my sense, as though of Hemlock I had drunk’

B:) ‘No, no, go not to Lethe, neither twist Wolf’s-bane, tight-rooted, for its poisonous wine’

C:) ‘Thou still unravish’d bride of quietness, thou foster-child of silence and slow time’

D:) ‘O Goddess! hear these tuneless numbers, by sweet enforcement and Remembrance dear’

springline- Correct option C:) ‘Thou still unravish’d bride of quietness, thou foster-child of silence and slow time’


51) One of the less noticed and acknowledged distinction of The Canterbury Tales is that

A:) instead of revealing England’s divisions, it reveled in its diversity.

B:) it upheld the idea that we cannot divorce poetry from knowledge because poetry itself is an object of knowledge.

C:) it alerted us to the term auctor, someone who is both ‘an originator, or one who gives increase,’ the best description for Chaucer himself.

D:) it married domesticity to divinity, the baker’s Loaf with the bread of life.

springline- Correct option A:) instead of revealing England’s divisions, it reveled in its diversity.


52) Who said Milton was ‘a true poet and of devi’s party without knowing it’ in his ‘The Marriage of Heaven and Hell’?

A:) William Blake

B:) Samuel Johnson

C:) T.S. Eliot

D:) Mathew Arnold

springline- Correct option A:) William Blake


53) Which of the following themes was not common to the works of Cavalier poets such as Thomas Carew, Sir John Denham, Edmund Waller, Sir John Suckling, James Shirley, Richard Lovelace and Robert Herrick?

A:) Loyalty to the king

B:) Country ideals of the good life

C:) Pious devotion to religious virtues

D:) Carpe diem

springline- Correct option C:) Pious devotion to religious virtues


54) Which of the following statements is true of The Way of the World?

A:) The way of the world failed on stage.

B:) Millamant and Mirabell fail to obtain the consent of Millamant’s aunt for their marriage.

C:) The Way of the World presents a heroine pretending to love an older man.

D:) The Way of the World was performed and published in 1702.

springline- Correct option A:) The way of the world failed on stage.


55) In his Practical Criticism I.A. Richards suggests that there are several kinds of meanings and that the ‘total meaning’ is a blend of contributory meanings which are of different types. He identified four kinds of meaning, or the total meaning of a word depends upon four factors. Choose the right combination as proposed by Richards.

A:) Sense, Feeling, Tone and Matter

B:) Image, Feeling, Tone and Intention

C:) Sound, Sense, Tone and Matter

D:) Sense, Feeling, Tone and Intention

springline- Correct option D:) Sense, Feeling, Tone and Intention


56) ‘Embodies values and gives rise to art that can be shared by people of all classes’ is praised to Indian culture especially subject to _______.

A:) Byzantium

B:) Thought the Paraclete

C:) Gitanjali

D:) The Dance of Shiva

springline- Correct option C:) Gitanjali


57) These are helpers and harmers among fellow pilgrims in Christian’s journey in Pilgrim’s Progress. Who among the following is not a helper?

A:) Mr. Wordly Wiseman

B:) Good Will

C:) The Interpreter

D:) The Evangelist

springline- Correct option A:) Mr. Wordly Wiseman


58) ‘Which is honour? A word. What is that word honour?’ A trim reckoning! Who hath it? He that died Wednesday. Doth he feel it? No. Doth he hear it? No. is it insensible, the? Yea, to the dead. But will it not live with the living? No. why? Detraction will not suffer it. – therefore, I’ll none of it: Honour is a mere scutcheon; and so ends my catechism. Which character in the following Shakespeare’s dramas made this statement about honour?

A:) Falstaff in King Henry IV- Part 1

B:) Hotspur in King Henry IV – part 1

C:) Malcom in Macbeth

D:) Macduff in Macbeth

springline- Correct option A:) Falstaff in King Henry IV- Part 1


59) One of the most flexible metres, _______ is a five foot line. It was introduced by Geoffrey Chaucer in the fourteenth century and has since then becomes the commonest of metre in English poetry.

A:) Iambic

B:) Trochaic

C:) Hexameter

D:) Pentameter

springline- Correct option D:) Pentameter


60) In Marlow’s Doctor Faustus, what books does Valdes council Faustus to study in preparation for conjuring up spirits? (a) the works of Bacon and Abanus. (b) the Hebrew Psalter and New Testament. (c) the works of Ovid and Homer. (d) the works of Baxter and Horst.

A:) a and b

B:) b and c

C:) a and d

D:) a and c

springline- Correct option A:) a and b


61) A semantic relationships of one to many is ______

A:) Collocation

B:) Corpus

C:) Hyponymy

D:) Matrix

springline- Correct option C:) Hyponymy


62) Which interpretation of Keats ‘Beauty is truth, truth is beauty’ best represents the mimetic perspective?

A:) The line is an ironic quotation, the equation of ‘beauty’ and ‘truth’ as ‘all we know one earth’ suggests that reality is an illusory concept and that the primary function of art is to construct a world within an aesthetic reality of its own.

B:) Those aspects of reality which we perceive to be beautiful are the only worthy subject matter of the artist, and it is the artists job to observe closely and isolate those sublime elements from the flux of the mundane.

C:) A work of literature is beautiful insofar as it offers an accurate representation of its subject matter, with fully realized characters and vivid description of events.

D:) The authors arbitrary imposition of order upon the chaotic impressions of reality constitutes the only truth in a work of art.

springline- Correct option C:) A work of literature is beautiful insofar as it offers an accurate representation of its subject matter, with fully realized characters and vivid description of events.


63) The Norman Conquest was a significant landmark in English history, what French did the Normans speaks and what was it known as?

A:) They spoke normal French, rather distinct from Anglo-Norman, another standard language.

B:) They spoke standard French (of mainland France). Their French was very sweet and musical.

C:) They spoke a dialectal French (also called Anglo-Frisian), somewhat closer to the Parisian.

D:) They spoke Norman French (Anglo-Norman). Their was certainly not the standard French.

springline- Correct option D:) They spoke Norman French (Anglo-Norman). Their was certainly not the standard French.


64) As a boy growing up in Squire Allworth’s estate, Tome gets one of the following characters into trouble. Identify the character.

A:) Partridge

B:) Black George

C:) Nightingale

D:) Blifil

springline- Correct option B:) Black George


65) The years in English literary history between 1649 and 1660 are known as

A:) the Neo-classical period

B:) The commonwealth period

C:) the Stuart period

D:) The Jacobean Period

springline- Correct option B:) The commonwealth period


66) Which of the following was not a dialect of Old English?

A:) Irish

B:) Northumbrian

C:) Merican

D:) Kentish

springline- Correct option A:) Irish


67) What does Philip Sidney call poet-haters in his Defence of Poesie?

A:) Misogynists

B:) Misanthropes

C:) Minsnomers

D:) Mysomousoi

springline- Correct option D:) Mysomousoi


68) At whose behest does Redcross Knight undertake his quest in The Faerie Queene?

A:) Gloriana’s

B:) Una’s

C:) Duessa’s

D:) Prosperine’s

springline- Correct option B:) Una’s


69) Arrange the following Elegies in English in Chronological order:

A:) ‘Elegy Written in a County Churchyard’ – ‘Adonais’ – ‘Thyrsis’

B:) ‘Adonais’ - ‘Elegy Written in a County Churchyard’ - ‘Thyrsis’

C:) ‘Adonais’ - ‘Thyrsis’ - ‘Elegy Written in a County Churchyard’

D:) ‘Elegy Written in a County Churchyard’ - ‘Thyrsis’ - ‘Adonais’

springline- Correct option A:) ‘Elegy Written in a County Churchyard’ – ‘Adonais’ – ‘Thyrsis’


70) Who is the only one of Milton’s contemporaries to be mentioned by name in Paradise Lost?

A:) Francis Bacon

B:) Johannes Vermeer

C:) Galileo

D:) King Charles

springline- Correct option C:) Galileo


71) A half-sentence in Purchas his Pilgrimage triggered off ‘Kubla Khan’. Whose work was Purchas his Pilgrimage?

A:) Robert Herrick

B:) John Hakluyt

C:) Samuel Purchas

D:) Edward Purchas

springline- Correct option C:) Samuel Purchas


72) Evelyn Waugh once complained that T.S. Eliot poems, 1909-1925 was ‘marvelously good, but very hard to understand’. The most pessimistic novel Waugh wrote was called ________ and he owed the title in ________.

A:) A Handful of Dust – The Waste Land

B:) Fire Sermon – The Waste Land

C:) The Burial of the Dead – The Waste Land

D:) Game of Chess – The Waste Land

springline- Correct option A:) A Handful of Dust – The Waste Land


73) Of whom did W.B. Yeats say that ‘We were the last Romantics’

A:) The Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood

B:) The Imagiste Poets

C:) His friends in the Irish Literary Revival

D:) Himself and his lady love, Maud Gonne

springline- Correct option C:) His friends in the Irish Literary Revival


74) Which of the following is true of The Canterbury Tales?

A:) Chaucer. The pilgrim, narrates Sir Thopas Tale only

B:) Chaucer, the pilgrim, narratees The Tale of Melibee only

C:) Chaucer, the pilgrim, narrates Sir Thopas Tale and The Tale of Melibee

D:) Chaucer, the pilgrim does attempt to narrate an unnamed tale but abruptly stops

springline- Correct option C:) Chaucer, the pilgrim, narrates Sir Thopas Tale and The Tale of Melibee


75) Alexander Pope revised The Rape of the Lock three times. In the final revision of the poem in 1717 he inserted a speech by

A:) Belinda

B:) Clarissa

C:) Betty

D:) Thalestris

springline- Correct option B:) Clarissa


76) The prelude to Middlemarch makes a reference to the particular history of a remarkable woman______

A:) St. Agnes

B:) St. Theresa

C:) St. Joan

D:) St. Carmel

springline- Correct option B:) St. Theresa


77) Virginia Woolf’s ‘To the Lighthouse’ has a tripartite structure. The three parts are named the following EXCEPT:

A:) The Sky

B:) The Window

C:) Time Passes

D:) The Lighthouse

springline- Correct option A:) The Sky


78) Which of the following is not true of free verse?

A:) Characterized by short, irregular lines

B:) No rhyme pattern

C:) Written in iambic pentameter

D:) A dependence on the effective and more intense use of pauses

springline- Correct option C:) Written in iambic pentameter


79) In ‘Tradition and Individual Talent’ T.S. Eliot uses the analogy of the catalyst to elucidate his theory of impersonal poetry. He cites the example of a filament of platinum and , in the poetic process this is equivalent to

A:) the language of the poet

B:) the mind of the poet

C:) the soul of the poet

D:) the life of the poet

springline- Correct option B:) the mind of the poet


80) Who among the following Greek Philosophers has a bearing on the composition of Shelley’s ‘Adonais’

A:) Miletus

B:) Socrates

C:) Plato

D:) Aristotle

springline- Correct option C:) Plato


81) Who made the comment that, ‘All modern American literature comes from one book by Mark Twain called Huckleberry Finn’

A:) Henry James

B:) William Faulkner

C:) Jack London

D:) Ernest Hemingway

springline- Correct option D:) Ernest Hemingway


82) Samuel Johnson denounced the metaphysical poets saying, ‘About the beginning of the seventeenth century appeared a race of writers that may be termed the metaphysical poets.’ In the biography of which of the following poets in his Lives of Poets did Johnson make this remark?

A:) John Dryden

B:) Thomas Parnell

C:) Abraham Cowley

D:) Alexander Pope

springline- Correct option C:) Abraham Cowley


83) In An Essay of Dramatic Poesy whom does John Dryden refer to as ‘the most learned and Judicious Writer which any theater ever had’?

A:) John Webster

B:) Christopher Marlowe

C:) Ben Jonson

D:) William Shakespeare

springline- Correct option C:) Ben Jonson


84) Which of the following characters in Moby Dick falls overboard and turns insane as a result?

A:) Pip

B:) Queequeg

C:) Starbuck

D:) Tashtego

springline- Correct option A:) Pip


85) In Canterbury Tales who has a red face full of sores?

A:) the summoner

B:) the shipman

C:) the Yeoman

D:) the Reeve

springline- Correct option A:) the summoner


86) The pace of speech is called:

A:) Syllable

B:) loudness

C:) tempo

D:) pitch

springline- Correct option C:) tempo


87) Choose the incorrect pair.

A:) Sexual Politics – Kate Millet

B:) A Literature of Their own – Elaine Showalter

C:) Thinking About Women – Mary Ellman

D:) The Laugh of the Medusa – Sandra M Gilbert

springline- Correct option D:) The Laugh of the Medusa – Sandra M Gilbert


88) In Robert Browning’s ‘Andrea del Sarto’ with which of the following painters does Andrea not compare himself with?

A:) Michelangelo

B:) Leonardo da Vinci

C:) Rembrandt

D:) Raphael

springline- Correct option C:) Rembrandt


89) In the book of The Prelude Wordsworth mentions famously that he was ‘fostered alike by ______ and fear.’ Pick out the right choice.

A:) nature

B:) bird

C:) imagination

D:) beauty

springline- Correct option D:) beauty


90) What speeds madly towards the speaker with overload The Meaning of Africa written by Abioseh Nicol?

A:) car

B:) jeep

C:) lorry

D:) truck

springline- Correct option C:) lorry


91) Pick the odd one from the sub topics of the poem Fire at the Murdering Hut by Judith Wright. (a.) The Fire, (b.) The Stone, (c.) The Hut (d.) The Grave.

A:) d only

B:) c only

C:) b only

D:) a only

springline- Correct option B:) c only


92) 'Beauty is nothing to me, neither the beauty of the body nor that that comes of dress.' (The Dance of Shiva) The above given statement is quoted in which work?

A:) Koyil Purdnam

B:) Dasa Dhamma Sutta

C:) Unmai Vilakkam

D:) Majjhima Nikdya

springline- Correct option B:) Dasa Dhamma Sutta


93) Which movement frightened the Government and they hurried on with tenancy legislation, according to An Autobiography written by Nehru?

A:) industrial movement

B:) non-cooperation movement

C:) agrarian movement

D:) Swadeshi movement

springline- Correct option C:) agrarian movement


94) Among the following what is the gift handed by Stanley for Blanche’s birthday in A Streetcar Named Desire by Tennessee Williams?

A:) jewel

B:) letter

C:) car

D:) one way ticket

springline- Correct option D:) one way ticket


95) Who got insulted by Martha for being unsuccessful and stuck in the history department, in Edward Albee’s Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?

A:) Nick

B:) Nash

C:) George

D:) Thomas

springline- Correct option C:) George


96) What is the real name of Yank, who was born in New York and brought up in a lower class family, according to Eugene O'Neill’s The Hairy Ape?

A:) Paddy

B:) Bob Smith

C:) Long

D:) Douglas

springline- Correct option B:) Bob Smith


97) According to James Thurcer’s The Owl in the Attic, Mr. Monroe has the habit of collecting which kind of object?

A:) pen

B:) pencil

C:) handkerchief

D:) books

springline- Correct option B:) pencil


98) What are for the scholar's idle times, according to Emerson's The American Scholar? (a.) books, (b.) writing, (c.) being creative.

A:) b and c only

B:) c and a only

C:) a only

D:) b only

springline- Correct option C:) a only


99) At the end of Emily Dickinson’s Because I could not stop for Death, what headed in the direction of eternity?

A:) wind

B:) sky

C:) time

D:) horse

springline- Correct option D:) horse


100) “I think of cinemas, panoramic sleights With multitudes bent toward some _____ scene” (The Bridge: To Brooklyn Bridge) Identify he appropriate word to fill he blank in the above given poetic lines.

A:) moving

B:) enchanting

C:) flashing

D:) faking

springline- Correct option C:) flashing


101) Which character in Jane Austen’s Emma, is portrayed as a sensible man about seven or eight-and-thirty, was not only a very old and intimate friend of the family of Mr. Woodhouse, but particularly connected with it, as the elder brother of Isabella’s husband?

A:) Mr. Philip Elton

B:) Robert Martin

C:) Mr. Weston

D:) Mr. Knightley

springline- Correct option D:) Mr. Knightley


102) “Quietly, quietly the evening through,” What literary device used in the above given poetic line?

A:) Symploce

B:) Antanaclasis

C:) Epizeuxis

D:) Antistasis

springline- Correct option C:) Epizeuxis


103) Who among the following is the narrator of Raja Rao’s Kandhapura, who has a vast knowledge of her village and people?

A:) Jayaramachar

B:) Achakka

C:) Venkamma

D:) Rangamma

springline- Correct option B:) Achakka


104) Who among the following cheated Prabha and left him bankrupt, in Coolie written by Mulk Raj Anand?

A:) Ratan

B:) Ganpat

C:) Nathoo

D:) Prem

springline- Correct option B:) Ganpat


105) RANAJIT: Uncle, you are partial to the outsiders, and against your own kith and kin. It is through your lessons that Abhijit has failed fully to accept the duties of the kingdom of Uttarakut which are to be his hereafter. Who is the above mentioned uncle in Tagore’s Muktha Dhara?

A:) Viswajit

B:) Abhijit

C:) Suman

D:) Bibhuti

springline- Correct option A:) Viswajit


106) “Hope had grown grey hairs, Hope had mourning on,” (The Wreck of the Deutschland) Find the literary technique in the above given poetic lines.

A:) anaphora

B:) allegory

C:) allusion

D:) simile

springline- Correct option A:) anaphora


107) Where did Tughlaq heaped the copper coins that were exchanged for gold and silver coins by the people, according to Girish Karnad ‘s Tughlaq?

A:) in his room

B:) in his treasure

C:) in his palace

D:) in his garden

springline- Correct option D:) in his garden


108) Which character among the following is a son of Blacksmith in Madras, in Kamala Markandaya’s A Handful of Rice?

A:) Ravi

B:) Kannan

C:) Damodar

D:) Ravi

springline- Correct option B:) Kannan


109) How did Okonkwo died in Chinua Achebe’s Things Fall Apart, which is considered as a sin that made clansmen not to touch the body?

A:) he consumed poison

B:) he silted his throat

C:) he hanged

D:) he drowned

springline- Correct option C:) he hanged


110) Who help Baroka to marry Sidi and tried her best to convince Sidi in Wole Soyinka’s The Lion and the Jewel?

A:) Lakunle

B:) Baroka

C:) Sadiku

D:) Ailatu

springline- Correct option C:) Sadiku


111) Which of the following terms describes the communication between two people that involves sending and receiving messages?

A:) Decoding

B:) Encoding

C:) Transaction

D:) Dyadic

springline- Correct option D:) Dyadic


112) Journal like entries written by individuals and posted on the internet that sometimes can generate many online discussions are

A:) weblogs

B:) simple posting

C:) E-journals

D:) None of the above

springline- Correct option A:) weblogs


113) A sender in communication process has very good grammar. The competence is basically

A:) Phonemic

B:) Semantic

C:) Syntactic

D:) Pragmatic

springline- Correct option C:) Syntactic


114) In which of the following layers of the atmosphere is ozone (O3) gas present?

A:) Stratosphere

B:) Mesosphere

C:) Troposphere

D:) None of the above

springline- Correct option A:) Stratosphere


115) Global warming during winter becomes more pronounced at the

A:) Equator

B:) Poles

C:) Tropic of Cancer

D:) Tropic of Capricorn

springline- Correct option D:) Tropic of Capricorn


116) Malaria is caused by

A:) Bacterial infection

B:) Viral infection

C:) Parasitic infection

D:) Fungal infection

springline- Correct option C:) Parasitic infection


117) Tamil Nadu coastal belt has drinking water problems due to

A:) High evaporation

B:) Sea water flooding due to tsunami

C:) Overexploitation of groundwater by tube wells

D:) Seepage of sea water

springline- Correct option D:) Seepage of sea water


118) The maximum emission of pollutant from fuel sources in India is caused by

A:) Coal

B:) Firewood

C:) Refuse burning

D:) Vegetable waste product

springline- Correct option C:) Refuse burning


119) The source of energy of the sun is

A:) Nuclear fission

B:) Chemical reaction

C:) Nuclear fusion

D:) Photoelectric effect

springline- Correct option C:) Nuclear fusion


120) The largest soil group of India is

A:) Red soil

B:) Black soil

C:) Sandy soil

D:) Mountain soil

springline- Correct option A:) Red soil


121) Thermal power generation in India is carried out by burning

A:) Natural gas

B:) Coal

C:) Oil

D:) All of the above

springline- Correct option B:) Coal


122) The amount of ground displacement in an earth-quake is called the

A:) Epicenter

B:) Dip

C:) Slip

D:) Focus

springline- Correct option C:) Slip


123) The status of World Heritage site is assigned by the

A:) UN


C:) World bank


springline- Correct option B:) UNESCO


124) EHEI stands for

A:) Equity in Higher Education Institutions

B:) Equity in Higher Education Index

C:) Equality in Higher Education Index

D:) Equity in Hidden Education Income

springline- Correct option B:) Equity in Higher Education Index


125) Which of the following days is celebrated as National Education Day?

A:) 5 September

B:) 2 October

C:) 11 November

D:) 14 November

springline- Correct option C:) 11 November


126) Which of the following articles guarantees right to freedom of religion?

A:) 12-19

B:) 12-14

C:) 25-28

D:) 21-28

springline- Correct option C:) 25-28


127) Who among the following Indian educators/thinkers drew heavily from the philosophy of Vedanta?

A:) J.Krishnamurti

B:) Sri Aurobindo

C:) Rabindranath Tagore

D:) Swami Vivekananda

springline- Correct option D:) Swami Vivekananda


128) ‘A child is born like a blank slate an its later behavior is shaped by experience.’ The statement was first made by:

A:) John Locke

B:) Plato

C:) Rousseau

D:) Socrates

springline- Correct option A:) John Locke


129) The introduction of open and distance education in complementation with MOOC in India, gives a leeway to:

A:) Ensuring educational excellence to all

B:) Addressing diverse social needs of the rural folks

C:) Social stratification of the educational institutions

D:) Equality of educational opportunity specially to the disadvantaged groups

springline- Correct option D:) Equality of educational opportunity specially to the disadvantaged groups


130) Which educational level in India corresponds to Piaget’s ‘Formal Operational Stage’ of development?

A:) Pre-elementary level

B:) Primary level

C:) Secondary and senior secondary level

D:) College education level

springline- Correct option C:) Secondary and senior secondary level


131) Which of the following laws of Thorndike is nearer to Skinner’s Operant conditioning paradigm?

A:) Law of exercise

B:) Law of effect

C:) Law of spread of effect

D:) Law of readiness

springline- Correct option B:) Law of effect


132) While attempting to apply Herzberg’s model of motivation in education, which of the following will be called a motivation factor?

A:) Working conditions of the school

B:) Good interpersonal relationship between teacher and students

C:) Recognition of Student’s worth

D:) Good supervision of schools

springline- Correct option C:) Recognition of Student’s worth


133) In Freudian formulation, the level of consciousness, in which memories of thoughts are readily accessible, is called

A:) Conscious level

B:) Pre-conscious level

C:) Unconscious level

D:) Supra-conscious level

springline- Correct option B:) Pre-conscious level


134) The concept of SQ (Spiritual Intelligence) will be helpful in respect of which of the following situations?

A:) Understanding the feelings of others

B:) Managing the role responsibilities

C:) Looking for problems which go beyond the present situation

D:) Ability to adjust in a novel situation

springline- Correct option C:) Looking for problems which go beyond the present situation


135) In which of the following countries did the concept of vocationalization of education appear early?

A:) India

B:) Australia

C:) UK


springline- Correct option D:) USA


136) The Right of Education Act was actually implemented by the Government of India on

A:) 15th August, 2009

B:) 26th January, 2010

C:) 1st April, 2009

D:) 1st April, 2010

springline- Correct option D:) 1st April, 2010


137) The Department of Education of a State Government invites proposal from DIETs for inclusion of items in primary school curriculum which in turn involves BRCs and CRCs. This approach will be called:

A:) Demonstration model

B:) System analysis model

C:) Grassroot model

D:) Administrative model

springline- Correct option D:) Administrative model


138) The school headmaster conducts a monitoring programme for improving classroom instructional procedure. This will be in the midst of which type of evolution?

A:) Norm-referenced evaluation

B:) Criterion-reinforced evaluation

C:) Summative evaluation

D:) Formative evaluation

springline- Correct option D:) Formative evaluation


139) In a school, ‘participating leadership style’ is likely to prove most effective when the teachers or students are:

A:) able and willing

B:) unable and unwilling

C:) able but unwilling

D:) unable but willing

springline- Correct option C:) able but unwilling


140) In a language classroom if a teacher is merely pointing out the similarities and differences between common and proper nouns, his/her teaching is at what level?

A:) Autonomous development level

B:) Memory level

C:) Understanding level

D:) Reflective level

springline- Correct option C:) Understanding level


141) The Prime requirement to become a good teacher is to have ____

A:) Genuine interest in teaching

B:) Knowledge about controlling students

C:) Subject Knowledge

D:) Good Expression

springline- Correct option C:) Subject Knowledge


142) Book can be a powerful source of communication, provided

A:) the content is abstract

B:) the content is illustrative

C:) the medium is Tamil

D:) the content is presented thorough good print

springline- Correct option B:) the content is illustrative


143) In education, John Dewey stressed on

A:) learning by doing

B:) Authorization teaching methods

C:) Rote learning

D:) None of the above

springline- Correct option A:) learning by doing


144) The psychological aspects of the classroom are best managed by

A:) the class teacher

B:) the subject teacher

C:) the principal

D:) the student themselves

springline- Correct option A:) the class teacher


145) Which of the following will not hamper effective communication in the classroom?

A:) A lengthy statement

B:) an ambiguous statement

C:) a precise statement

D:) a statement which allows the listener to his own conclusions.

springline- Correct option C:) a precise statement


146) Which of the following is an example of maximum performance test?

A:) Projective Personality Test

B:) Interest Inventory

C:) Aptitude Test

D:) Attitude Test

springline- Correct option C:) Aptitude Test


147) The idea of basic education was propounded by

A:) Dr. Zakir Husain

B:) Dr. Rajendra Prasad

C:) Mahatma Gandhi

D:) Rabindranath Tagore

springline- Correct option C:) Mahatma Gandhi


148) Cognitive domain is related too development of intellectual capabilities of learners that functions at different levels. Which of the following level is about making use of previously learned material in new situation according to Bloom’s classification of Teaching and Instructional objectives?

A:) Knowledge

B:) Comprehension

C:) Application

D:) Analysis

springline- Correct option C:) Application


149) Which of the following is Berlo’s Linear model of communication?

A:) S-M-R-C

B:) S-M-C-R

C:) S-R-M-C

D:) S-R-C-M

springline- Correct option B:) S-M-C-R


150) Which of the following is the essence of effective communication?

A:) Message

B:) Feedback

C:) Encoding

D:) Decoding

springline- Correct option B:) Feedback