Linguistics and Generative grammar

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1. Historical linguistics is the study of language change, particularly with regards to a specific language or a group of languages. Western trends in historical linguistics date back to roughly the late 18th century, when the discipline grew out of ____?

A:) Diachrony

B:) Synchrony

C:) philology

D:) Phonology

springline- Correct option: C:) philology


2. While words, along with clitics, are generally accepted as being the smallest units of syntax, in most languages, if not all, many words can be related to other words by rules that collectively describe the grammar for that language. English speakers recognize that the words dog and dogs are closely related, differentiated only by the plurality morpheme ’-s’, only found bound to____?

A:) verb phrases

B:) noun phrases

C:) adjective phrases

D:) objective phrases

springline- Correct option: B:) noun phrases


3. Studies have indicated that the presence of modification in phonology and orthography makes morphologically complex words harder to understand and that the absence of modification between a base word and its origin makes morphologically complex words easier to understand. Polysynthetic languages, such as, Which have words composed of many morphemes?

A:) Nynorsk

B:) Danish

C:) Chukchi

D:) Faroese

springline- Correct option: C:) Chukchi


4. Phonetics is largely concerned with the physical aspects of sounds such as their articulation, acoustics, production, and perception. Phonology is concerned with the linguistic abstractions and categorizations of sounds. Which complex words are easier to comprehend when they include a base word?

A:) theological

B:) Psychological

C:) Philosophical

D:) Morphological

springline- Correct option: D:) Morphological


5. The framework of formal semantics studies the denotations of sentences and the way they are composed from the meanings of their constituent expressions. Cognitive semantics ties linguistic meaning to general aspects of cognition, drawing on ideas from cognitive science such as _____?

A:) prototype theory

B:) linguistic theory

C:) synchrony theory

D:) linguistic sign

springline- Correct option: A:) prototype theory


6. Grammar is a system of rules which governs the production and use of utterances in a given language. Which is the study of how utterances are used in communicative acts, and the role played by situational context and non-linguistic knowledge in the transmission of meaning ?

A:) Semantics

B:) Pragmatics

C:) Morphome

D:) Laboratory

springline- Correct option: B:) Pragmatics


7. Transformational grammar assigns a ‘deep structure‘ and a ‘surface structure‘ to show the relationship of such sentences. Thus, ‘I know a man who flies planes’ can be considered the surface form of a deep structure approximately like ‘______

A:) He know a man

B:) a man knows me

C:) I know a man

D:) A man know by him

springline- Correct option: C:) I know a man


8. The most widely discussed theory of transformational grammar was proposed by U.S. linguist Noam Chomsky. His work contradicted earlier tenets of structuralism by rejecting the notion that every language is unique. The use of transformational grammar in language analysis assumes a certain number of formal and substantive universals. When he was proposed the theory of transformational grammar?

A:) 1956

B:) 1957

C:) 1958

D:) 1959

springline- Correct option: B:) 1957


9. Speculative grammar, a linguistic theory of the Middle Ages, especially the second half of the 13th century. It is ‘speculative’ not in the modern sense but as the word is derived from the Latin speculum which means_____

A:) script

B:) book

C:) art

D:) mirror

springline- Correct option: D:) mirror


10. Speculative grammarians took over Priscian grammar but relabeled the parts of speech to show their ‘modes of signifying.’ So many of their works were titled De modis significandi (‘The Modes of Signifying’) that they have come to be called the______?

A:) Model

B:) Modistae

C:) significate

D:) Langue

springline- Correct option: B:) Modistae


11. Transformational algebra was first introduced to general linguistics by the structural linguist Louis Hjelmslev. A modification which separated discourse and semantics from syntax was subsequently made by Whom, giving rise to what became known as transformational generative grammar?

A:) Henri Morier

B:) Shipley

C:) Zellig Harris

D:) Jeremy Warburg

springline- Correct option: C:) Zellig Harris


12. The concept of transformations had been proposed before the development of deep structure to increase the mathematical and descriptive power of context-free grammars. Deep structure was developed largely for technical reasons related to early semantic theory. Who emphasized the importance of modern formal mathematical devices in the development of grammatical theory?

A:) Ferdinand de Sassure

B:) Noam Chomsky

C:) Sir William Jones

D:) Henri Morier

springline- Correct option: B:) Noam Chomsky


13. When Chomsky introduced two central ideas relevant to the construction and evaluation of grammatical theories and One was the distinction between competence and performance ?

A:) 1960s

B:) 1970s

C:) 1980s

D:) 1990s

springline- Correct option: A:) 1960s


14. When Chomsky proposed a distinction between I-language and E-language that is similar but not identical to the competence/performance distinction. ’I-language’ is internal language; ‘E-language’ is external language?

A:) 1986

B:) 1987

C:) 1989

D:) 1990

springline- Correct option: A:) 1986


15. I-language is taken to be the object of study in linguistic theory; it is the mentally represented linguistic knowledge a native speaker of a language has and thus a mental object. From that perspective, most of theoretical linguistics is a branch of ________?

A:) science

B:) philosophy

C:) phonology

D:) psychology

springline- Correct option: D:) psychology


16. According to Chomsky, is entirely distinct from the question of whether a sentence is meaningful or can be understood. It is possible for a sentence to be both grammatical and meaningless, as in Chomsky's famous example, ‘colorless green ideas sleep ____?

A:) wisely

B:) Slowly

C:) furiously

D:) frequently

springline- Correct option: C:) furiously


17. The usual usage of the term ‘transformation’ in linguistics refers to a rule that takes an input, typically called the deep structure (in the Standard Theory) or D-structure (in the extended standard theory or government and binding theory), and changes it in some restricted way to result in a surface structure (or S-structure). In Which phrase structure rules generate deep structures?

A:) IL

B:) GL

C:) PG

D:) TG

springline- Correct option: D:) TG


18. When linguist and historian E. F. K. Koerner hailed transformational grammar as the third and last Kuhnian revolution in linguistics, arguing that it had brought about a shift from Ferdinand de Saussure's sociological approach to a Chomskyan conception of linguistics as analogous to chemistry and physics?

A:) 1975

B:) 1976

C:) 1977

D:) 1978

springline- Correct option: D:) 1978


19. Language production consists of several interdependent processes which transform a non-linguistic message into a spoken or signed linguistic signal. After identifying a message to be linguistically encoded, a speaker must select the individual words—to represent that message in a process called _____?

A:) lexical library

B:) lexical selection

C:) vocabulary

D:) dictionary

springline- Correct option: B:) lexical selection


20. The first known phonetic studies were carried out as early as the 6th century BCE by Sanskrit grammarians. The Hindu scholar Pāṇini is among the most well known of these early investigators, whose four-part grammar is influential in modern linguistics and still represents ‘the most complete generative grammar of any language yet written’ , It written around ______

A:) 650 BCE

B:) 550 BCE

C:) 450 BCE

D:) 350 BCE

springline- Correct option: D:) 350 BCE


21. The word phonology comes from Ancient Greek phōnḗ, ‘voice, sound,’ and the suffix -logy . Nikolai Trubetzkoy in Grundzüge der Phonologie (1939) defines phonology as ‘the study of sound pertaining to the system of language,’ as opposed to phonetics, which is ‘the study of sound pertaining to the act of speech’ the distinction between language and speech being basically Saussure's distinction between _____?

A:) Phonetics and phonology

B:) la language and phonetics

C:) langue and parole

D:) Synchrony and Diachrony

springline- Correct option: C:) langue and parole


22. Before the 20th century, the term philology, first attested in 1716, was commonly used to refer to the study of language, which was then predominantly historical in focus. Although the term linguist in the sense of ‘a student of language’ dates from 1641, the term linguistics is first attested in___

A:) 1847

B:) 1848

C:) 1849

D:) 1850

springline- Correct option: A:) 1847


23. Early interest in language in the West was a part of philosophy, not of grammatical description. The first insights into semantic theory were made by Plato in his Cratylus dialogue, where he argues that words denote concepts that are eternal and exist in the world of ideas. This work is the first to use the word______

A:) Linguistic

B:) etymology

C:) Vocabulary

D:) University

springline- Correct option: B:) etymology


24. Around 280 BC, one of Alexander the Great's successors founded a university (see Musaeum) in Alexandria, where a school of philologists studied the ancient texts in and taught Greek to speakers of other languages. While this school was the first to use the word ‘grammar‘ in its modern sense, Plato had used the word in its original meaning as the ‘art of writing’, which is also the title of one of the most important works of the Alexandrine school by _____

A:) Dionysius Thrax

B:) Hermann Hesse

C:) Thomas Mann

D:) Alfred Doblin

springline- Correct option: A:) Dionysius Thrax


25. There was a shift of focus from historical and comparative linguistics to synchronic analysis in early 20th century. Structural analysis was improved by Leonard Bloomfield, Louis Hjelmslev; and Zellig Harris who also developed methods of _______

A:) meta analysis

B:) discourse analysis

C:) Parole

D:) stylistics

springline- Correct option: B:) discourse analysis


26. In linguistics, semantics is the subfield that studies meaning. Semantics can address meaning at the levels of words, phrases, sentences, or larger units of discourse. Two of the fundamental issues in the field of semantics are that of compositional semantics (which pertains on how smaller parts, like words, combine and interact to form the meaning of larger expressions such as sentences) and__________

A:) lexical semantics

B:) Diachrony

C:) Synchrony

D:) Structural semantics

springline- Correct option: A:) lexical semantics


27. The semantic level of language interacts with other modules or levels (like syntax) in which language is traditionally divided. In linguistics, it is typical to talk in terms of ‘interfaces’ regarding such interactions between modules or levels. For semantics, the most crucial interfaces are considered those with semantics (the syntax–semantics interface), pragmatics and ______?

A:) synchrony

B:) Anthropology

C:) phonology

D:) syntax

springline- Correct option: C:) phonology


28. The roots of cognitive linguistics are in Noam Chomsky’s 1959 critical review of B. F. Skinner’s Verbal Behavior. Chomsky's rejection of behavioural psychology and his subsequent anti-behaviourist activity helped bring about a shift of focus from empiricism to mentalism in psychology under the new concepts of cognitive psychology and cognitive______?

A:) style

B:) science

C:) linguistic

D:) philosophy

springline- Correct option: B:) Science


29. Chomsky considered linguistics as a subfield of cognitive science in the 1970s but called his model transformational or generative grammar. Having been engaged with Chomsky in the linguistic wars, George Lakoff united in the early 1980s with Whom and other advocates of neo-Darwinian linguistics in a so-called Lakoff—Langacker agreement ?

A:) Jeremy Warburg

B:) Shipley

C:) Henri Morier

D:) Ronald Langacker

springline- Correct option: D:) Ronald Langacker


30. Many other interesting and important developments occurred in 19th-century linguistic research, among them work in the areas of phonetics and dialectology. The terminological distinction between synchronic and diachronic linguistics was first made by _______

A:) Ferdinand de Saussure

B:) Robert Hall

C:) R.H. Robin

D:) Cleanth Brooks

springline- Correct option: A:) Ferdinand de Saussure