1. The language of Ancient Greece has had almost as important an impact on English as Latin. This is because the Ancient Greeks were the foremost European thinkers before Latin was spread across the continent by ______?
A:) Norse
B:) Italy
C:) Romans
D:) Greek
springline- Correct option: C:) Romans
2. In Greek Origin of words : Many of these involve the letter ‘p’. It combines with ‘h’ in words like philosophy, phrase, sphere, emphasis, graph, nymph, symphony and aphrodisiac. Which letter used as a vowel is also a good clue to a Greek origin, though it is not entirely reliable ?
A:) r
B:) y
C:) i
D:) e
springline- Correct option: B:) y
3. The Guinlist post twelve Singular and Plural Verb Choices states that most nouns become plural by adding -s to their singular form, but not all do. Two of the exceptional categories are nouns of Greek origin whose singular forms end in either _______?
A:) an or a
B:) in or on
C:) is or in
D:) on or is
springline- Correct option: D:) on or is
4. The -osis ending (sometimes spelt -asis) means ‘present and troublesome’ and is used to describe a wide range of illnesses (thrombosis for example is the presence of a troublesome blood clot). -osis can even be combined with a non-Greek root, as in ___?
A:) tumorigene-sis
B:) tubercul-osis
C:) biosynthesis
D:) cataphoresis
springline- Correct option: B:) tubercul-osis
5. The word automobile, television and dictaphone ,it have words which are half Latin and half Greek, and in mineralogy a formation from an Greek suffix and a root of ______?
A:) Italic
B:) Saxon
C:) French
D:) English
springline- Correct option: D:) English
6. Christian missionaries coming to Britain in the 6th century and 7th century brought with them Latin religious terms which entered the English language: abbot, altar, apostle, candle, clerk, mass, minister, monk, nun, pope, priest, school, shrive. Some of these words are ultimately origin of_____?
A:) Latin
B:) French
C:) Greek
D:) Saxon
springline- Correct option: C:) Greek
7. Catholic monks mainly wrote or copied text in Latin, the prevalent Medieval lingua franca of Europe. However, when monks occasionally wrote in the vernacular, Latin words were translated by finding suitable Old English equivalents. Often, a Germanic word was adopted and given a new shade of meaning in the process. Such was the case with Old English gōdspell (‘gospel’) for Latin____
A:) Evangelium
B:) obbligato
C:) diminuendo
D:) andante
springline- Correct option: A:) Evangelium
8. Whenever a suitable Old English substitute could not be found, a Latin word could be chosen instead, and many Latin words entered the Old English lexicon in this way. Such words include: biscop ’bishop’ from Latin episcopus, Old English tepid ’carpet’ from Latin tapetum, and Old English sigel ’brooch’ from Latin _______?
A:) seerum
B:) signel
C:) signe
D:) sigillum
springline- Correct option: D:) sigillum
9. The Norman Conquest of 1066 gave England a two-tiered society with an aristocracy which spoke Anglo-Norman and a lower class which spoke English. From 1066 until Henry IV of England ascended the throne in 1399, the royal court of England spoke a Norman language that becameProgressively Gallicised through contact with _______?
A:) Greek
B:) Latin
C:) Dutch
D:) French
springline- Correct option: D:) French
10. During the English Renaissance, from around 1500–1650, some 10,000 to 12,000 words entered the English lexicon, including the word lexicon. Some examples include aberration, allusion, anachronism, democratic, dexterity, enthusiasm, imaginary, juvenile, pernicious, sophisticated. Many of these words were borrowed directly from _____?
A:) Latin
B:) Greek
C:) Anglo Saxon
D:) Dutch
springline- Correct option: A:) Latin
11. The core of the English language descends from the Old English language, brought from the 500s with the Anglo Saxon, and Jutish settlers to what would be called England. The bulk of the language in spoken and written texts is from this source. As a statistical rule, around 70 percent of words in any text are ______?
A:) French
B:) Anglo-Saxon
C:) Latin
D:) Greek
springline- Correct option: B:) Anglo-Saxon
12. The French contributed legal, military, technological, and political terminology. Their language also contributed common words, such as the names of meats: veal, mutton, beef, pork, and how food was prepared: boil, broil, fry, roast, and stew, Nearly How many percent of English words are of French origin ?
A:) 20 percentage
B:) 25percentage
C:) 30 percentage
D:) 40 percentage
springline- Correct option: C:) 3o percentage
13. There are many ways through which Dutch words have entered the English language: via trade and navigation, such as skipper from schipper, freebooter from vrijbuiter, keelhauling from kielhalen; via painting, such as landscape from landschap, easel from ezel, still life from_______
A:) stilleven
B:) lifeven
C:) heaven
D:) elite
springline- Correct option: A:) stilleven
14. English is a Germanic language. As a result, many words are distantly related to German. Most German words relating to World War I and World War II found their way into the English language, words such as Blitzkrieg, Anschluss, Führer, and Lebensraum; food terms, such as bratwurst, hamburger and ______?
A:) frankfurter
B:) galleon
C:) guerrilla
D:) vanilla
springline- Correct option: A:) frankfurter
15. Words of Old Norse origin have entered English primarily from the contact between Old Norse and Old English during colonisation of eastern and northern England between the mid 9th to the 11th centuries (see also Danelaw). Many of these words are part of English core vocabulary, such as they, egg, sky or ______?
A:) cloud
B:) knife
C:) bird
D:) moon
springline- Correct option: B:) knife
16. From Arabic: Trade items such as borax, coffee, cotton, hashish, henna, mohair, etc scientific vocabulary borrowed into Latin in the 12th and 13th centuries (alcohol, alkali, algebra, azimuth, zenith, cipher, nadir); plants or plant products originating in tropical Asia and introduced to ________?
A:) England
B:) medieval Europe
C:) medieval French
D:) Romans
springline- Correct option: B:) medieval Europe
17. Most of the French vocabulary in English entered the language after the Norman Conquest of England in 1066, when Old French, specifically the Old Norman dialect, became the language of the new Anglo-Norman court, the government, and ______?
A:) the elites
B:) fashion
C:) church
D:) schools
springline- Correct option: A:) the elites
18. William II of Normandy landed at Hastings, Sussex on September 29, 1066. On October 14, exhausted by previous clashes with Scandinavians in the north and the long journey to Hastings, the English army lost the battle quickly and became disorganised after Harold was killed. After the defeat of the English, William claimed the throne as King of England on ______
A:) November 24, 1066
B:) December 25, 1066
C:) March 24, 1066
D:) April 25, 1066
springline- Correct option: B:) December 25, 1066
19. In 1328, Charles IV of France died without an heir. Edward III of England and Philip VI of France disputed the French throne, and the Hundred Years' War ensued. English had reasserted itself as a language of government and learning after over 200 years as a language of low prestige. When English became the language of instruction at the University of Oxford, which had taught in French or Latin ?
A:) 1346
B:) 1347
C:) 1348
D:) 1349
springline- Correct option: D:) 1349
20. The use of English became widespread by the introduction of printing to England by William Caxton in 1476. Henry IV (1367-1413) was the first English king whose first language was English. Who was the first king of England to use English in official documents?
A:) Henry VII
B:) Henry V
C:) Richard III
D:) Charles I
springline- Correct option: B:) Henry V
21. The most notable influence of French on English has been its massive contribution to the English lexicon. Who has estimated that over 40,000 English words come directly from French and may be understood without orthographical change by French speakers ?
A:) Anthony Lacoudre
B:) Edward Sapir
C:) William Labov
D:) Mary Haas
springline- Correct option: A:) Anthony Lacoudre
22. The takeover of the elite class by the Normans, as well as their decision to move the capital of England from Winchester to London, ended the dominance of the Late West Saxon literary language. London's growing influence led to the English spoken nearby, which was largely derived from the ______?
A:) Welsh English
B:) Mercian dialect
C:) Caxton
D:) Cockney dialect
springline- Correct option: B:) Mercian dialect
23. The Normans had a strong influence on English personal names. Old English names such as Alfred, Wulfstan, Aelfric, Harold, Godwin and Athelstan largely fell out of fashion and were replaced by the likes of John, Peter and Simon as well as Normanized Germanic names like William, Richard, Henry, Robert, Roger and______
A:) Hugh
B:) John
C:) Charles
D:) Joseph
springline- Correct option: A:) Hugh
24. The Viking Age lasted roughly from the middle of the eighth century to the beginning of the eleventh. The Vikings were the Germanic tribes of the Scandinavian Peninsula and Denmark. The reasons for their sudden attacks and voyages are unknown; it is possible that they were of economic or political nature. In their adventures the Swedes established a kingdom in________?
A:) Rome
B:) Italy
C:) England
D:) Russia
springline- Correct option: D:) Russia
25. Viking invasions led to an immigration wave from Scandinavia. Although most of the new inhabitants were Danes, there were also Norwegians and Swedes. Which language and Old English were similar languages so it is highly probable that the two may even have been” mutually intelligible to a limited extent?
A:) Spanish
B:) French
C:) Dutch
D:) Old Norse
springline- Correct option: D:) Old Norse
26. Many places in today England bear Scandinavian names (more than 1,400). These names are notable evidence that the Vikings once settled in England. These places are mostly situated in the district of the Danelaw but are not uniformly distributed . According to Baugh and Cable , How many Places are more than with names ending in -by (such as Whitby, Grimsby)?
A:) 500 places
B:) 600 places
C:) 700 places
D:) 750 places
springline- Correct option: B:) 600 places
27. Numerous nouns would be identical whether they came from Old English or Scandinavian: father, mother, brother (but not sister); man, wife; ground, land, tree, grass; summer, winter; cliff, dale. Many verbs would also be identical, especially monosyllabic verbs, and Which terms of words were also came from Old English?
A:) north and west
B:) south and west
C:) west and east
D:) east and north
springline- Correct option: A:) north and west
28. From Scandinavian, law was borrowed early, whence bylaw, meaning village law, and outlaw, meaning ‘man outside the law. whereas fellow (fe-lagi) meant one who ‘lays fee’ or shares property with another, and so ‘partner, shareholder, and Husband (hus-bondi) meant ______?
A:) groom
B:) house owner
C:) householder
D:) housemaid
springline- Correct option: C:) householder
29. In the spheres of science and technology many terms come from Classical Greek through French or directly from Greek. Many terms relating to dress and fashion, cuisine and viniculture, politics and diplomacy, drama and literature, art and ballet come from ________?
A:) French
B:) Italy
C:) Greek
D:) Spanish
springline- Correct option: A:) French
30. Ever since the 12th century, when merchants from the Netherlands made homes in East Anglia, Dutch words have infiltrated into Midland speech. For centuries a form of Low German was used by seafaring men in North Sea ports. Along with the rest of the Western world, English has accepted Italian as the language of _______?
A:) painting
B:) music
C:) art
D:) song
springline- Correct option: B:) music