Preface to the Lyrical Ballads

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1. The Preface to Lyrical Ballad; Furthermore, the language of the peasantry is pure, as common people are in constant communication with nature and far away from ‘social vanity.’ The language of the peasantry carries a certain permanence, unlike the lofty language of the _______?

A:) early-Neoclassical writers

B:) early-romantic writers

C:) late-Neoclassical writers

D:) middle-classical writers

springline- Correct option: C:) late-Neoclassical writers


2. The Preface to a lyrical Ballad; For the sake of variety, and from a consciousness of his(Wordsworth) own weakness, he was induced to request the assistance of a friend, who furnished him with the Poems of the Ancient Mariner, the Foster-Mother’s Tale:, the Nightingale, and the Poem entitled __________?

A:) London

B:) Love

C:) Nature

D:) Ballads

springline- Correct option: B:) Love


3. Preface to Lyrical Ballads; Wordsworth was alone in his effort; he penned the Lyrical Ballads with the help of his good friend, Samuel Taylor Coleridge. With friends like Coleridge, Wordsworth hopes to produce a new class of poetry, which will focus on ‘low and________?

A:) rustic life

B:) rural life

C:) nature life

D:) ideal life

springline- Correct option: A:) rustic life


4. Preface to Lyrical Ballads; The poet recollects his emotions in tranquility, as taking this time to contemplate the experience allows the poet to incorporate not only passion, but also profound thought in their work. Who writes that ‘all good poetry is the spontaneous overflow of emotion’ that ‘takes its origin from emotion recollected in tranquility’ ?

A:) Lord Byron

B:) John Keats

C:) S.T. Coleridge

D:) Wordsworth

springline- Correct option: D:) Wordsworth


5. Preface to Lyrical Ballads; Wordsworth disdains the trivialization of poetry: no matter how simple the meter of a poem, the contents of the poem still ought to be taken seriously by poet and reader alike. Wordsworth also sees great importance in emotions. Indeed, in poetry, emotions are more important than the plot and ______?

A:) diction

B:) themes

C:) actions

D:) style

springline- Correct option: C:) actions


6. Preface to Lyrical Ballads; The Neoclassical poets emphasized intellectualism over emotion, society, didacticism, formality, and stylistic rigidity. The last stage of Neoclassicism, before the onset of Romanticism, is known as ________?

A:) the Age of Johnson

B:) the Age of Milton

C:) the Age of Reason

D:) the Age of Youth

springline- Correct option: A:) the Age of Johnson


7. Preface to Lyrical Ballads; Wordsworth proposes something more revolutionary in his ‘Preface to the Lyrical Ballads’: emotion and imagination over intellectualism, nature over society, simple forms of expression, and the stylistic liberty of the poet. The ‘Preface to the Lyrical Ballads’ is, at its core, a manifesto of the __________?

A:) Literary movement

B:) Romantic movement

C:) Transcendentalism

D:) Pre-Raphaelitism

springline- Correct option: B:) Romantic movement


8. Preface to Lyrical Ballads; Through Wordsworth’s, ‘Preface to the Lyrical Ballads,’ Wordsworth argues that it’s time for a new kind of poetry one that can revive humankind to be emotionally alive and morally sensitive which he hopes to catalyze with his own a _________?

A:) Sonnets

B:) Ballads

C:) Prose

D:) Poetry

springline- Correct option: B:) Ballads


9. Preface to Lyrical Ballads; Writers from the Age of Johnson have attempted to incorporate certain characteristics of Romanticism but have created works that are overwrought and lacking in insight. From Wordsworth’s critique of these writers, readers of the ‘Preface to the Lyrical Ballads’ can infer that Wordsworth believes writers should be sensitive to emotions but should not dramatize these emotions so that they become _______?

A:) artificial

B:) natural

C:) sympathy

D:) rustic

springline- Correct option: A:) artificial


10. Wordsworth declares, ‘I should be oppressed with no dishonorable melancholy, had I not a deep impression of certain inherent and indestructible qualities of the human mind, and likewise of certain powers in the great and permanent objects that act upon it which are equally inherent and indestructible.’ In other words, Wordsworth believes that the decline from the Age of Johnson can be counteracted by ‘certain powers’ that can revive the human mind—namely, the powers of _______?

A:) Reasoning

B:) Classicism

C:) Neo-Classicism

D:) Romanticism

springline- Correct option: D:) Romanticism


11. Preface to Lyrical Ballads; Wordsworth had two main goals in mind: i) to create poems that appeal not only to well-educated readers but also to the ‘multiplicity,’ or general public, and ii) to have these poems be relevant to humanity’s moral relations. Wordsworth wants to exclude ‘certain classes of ideas and expressions’ in Neoclassical poetry that, to him, are demonstrate an artificial ‘gaudiness and inane ________?

A:) theology

B:) psychology

C:) phraseology

D:) morality

springline- Correct option: C:) phraseology


12. Preface to Lyrical Ballads; Wordsworth emphasizes that his decision to write in a simpler, less-rigid style than the Neoclassicists does not arise from laziness, but from dislike for their lofty phrases. Wordsworth finds the Neoclassical style to be too flashy and rather _________?

A:) senseless

B:) sensible

C:) emotional

D:) beauty

springline- Correct option: A:) senseless


13. Preface to Lyrical Ballads; The principal object, then, which Wordsworth proposed to himself in these Poems was to chuse incidents and situations from common life, and to relate or describe them, throughout, as far as was possible, in a selection of language really used by men; and, at the same time, to throw over them a certain colouring of_______?

A:) expectation

B:) diction

C:) imagination

D:) style

springline- Correct option: C:) imagination


14. Preface to Lyrical Ballads; The manners of rural life germinate from those elementary feelings; and, from the necessary character of rural occupations, are more easily comprehended, and are more durable; and lastly, because in that condition the passions of men are incorporated with the beautiful and permanent forms of ______?

A:) nature

B:) literature

C:) language

D:) life

springline- Correct option: A:) nature


15. William Wordsworth; After the death of Wordsworth's mother, in 1778, his father sent him to Hawkshead Grammar School in Lancashire (now in CumbriA:) and sent Dorothy to live with relatives in Yorkshire. She and William did not meet again for _____?

A:) Six years

B:) five years

C:) nine years

D:) eleven years

springline- Correct option: C:) nine years


16. Preface to Lyrical Ballads;By tracing the maternal passion through many of its more subtle windings, as in the poems of the Idiotic Boy and the Mad Mother; by accompanying the last struggles of a human being, at the approach of death, cleaving in solitude to life and society, as in the Poem of the Forsaken Indian; by shewing, as in the Stanzas entitled ________?

A:) We are Eight

B:) We are Seven

C:) We are Six

D:) We are Five

springline- Correct option: B:) We are Seven


17. Preface to Lyrical Ballads; The invaluable works of their elder writers, Wordsworth had almost said ‘the works of Shakespeare and Milton, are driven into neglect by frantic novels, sickly and stupid German Tragedies, and deluges of idle and extravagant stories in ________?

A:) verse

B:) form

C:) theme

D:) lyrics

springline- Correct option: A:) verse


18. Preface to Lyrical Ballads; The truth of the assertion might be demonstrated by innumerable passages from almost all the poetical writings, even of Milton himself. Wordsworth have not space for much quotation; but, to illustrate the subject in a general manner, he would here adduce a short composition of __________?

A:) Thomas Gray

B:) Thomas Moore

C:) Charles Lamb

D:) John Keats

springline- Correct option: A:) Thomas Gray


19. Wordsworth wrote a number of other famous poems in Goslar, including ‘The Lucy poems‘. In the Autumn of 1799, Wordsworth and his sister returned to England and visited the Hutchinson family at Sockburn. When Coleridge arrived back in England he travelled to the North with their publisher Joseph Cottle to meet Wordsworth and undertake a proposed tour of the _________?

A:) The Whales

B:) Italy

C:) England

D:) Lake District

springline- Correct option: D:) Lake District


20. Preface to Lyrical Ballads; Despite this, Wordsworth argues that the diction of poetry and prose is the same, and criticizes the neo-classicists for their ‘artificial’ and ‘unnatural’ language. Passion should drive diction, not ornament, dignity or meter. He wants poetry to center on rustic, humble situations using rustic, humble language. According to Wordsworth, that is the real source of poetic ________?

A:) rustic and nature

B:) beauty and nature

C:) truth and nature

D:) truth and beauty

springline- Correct option: C:) truth and nature


21. Wordsworth attended St. John’s College, Cambridge University and took his degree without distinction. He spent a year in France (November 1791 to December 1792) after completing his studies and became an ardent supporter of the French Revolution. During this time, he fell in love with a Frenchwoman _____?

A:) Mary Anne

B:) Ann Simmons

C:) Annette Vallon

D:) Fanny Brawne

springline- Correct option: C:) Annette Vallon


22. A short period of collaboration between Wordsworth and Coleridge led to the publication of one of the most important books of the time: Lyrical Ballads. In 1795, he moved to Dorsetshire with his sister, Dorothy, befriended poet Samuel Taylor Coleridge, and began his own poetic career at the age of ____?

A:) 27

B:) 28

C:) 29

D:) 31

springline- Correct option: A:) 27


23. Over the years, Wordsworth grew increasingly prosperous and famous, but settled into a religious and political conservatism that disappointed readers, like William Hazlitt, who once thought of him as a promoter of democratic change. By 1843, Wordsworth was poet laureate of Great Britain. He died in 1850 at the ripe age of eighty, and after his death fame Who succeeded him as Poet Laureate ?

A:) Lord Byron

B:) Alfred Lord Tennyson

C:) Colley Cibber

D:) John Dryden

springline- Correct option: B:) Alfred Lord Tennyson


24. Preface to Lyrical Ballads; Lyrical Ballads is a collection of poetry by William Wordsworth and Samuel Taylor Coleridge that was originally published in 1798. Wordsworth’s preface to this collection was composed for its second edition, published in 1801, and expanded for its third edition in ____?

A:) 1804

B:) 1811

C:) 1812

D:) 1802

springline- Correct option: D:) 1802


25. Preface to Lyrical Ballads by William Wordsworth begins with a discussion of the collection of poems, written mostly by Wordsworth with contributions by S.T. Coleridge. Originally published in 1798. When Wordsworth added an earlier version of the Preface ?

A:) 1800

B:) 1801

C:) 1802

D:) 1803

springline- Correct option: A:) 1800


26. Preface to Lyrical Ballads; In the Preface, Wordsworth writes that the purpose of the collection was to write poems that dealt with things that happen in everyday life. Most importantly, Wordsworth considered each poem in the collection to be an experiment in language usage, or diction. Which language could be used effectively in poetry ,wanted to finds by Wordsworth?

A:) Rustic language

B:) Conversational language

C:) Conventional language

D:) Colloquial Language

springline- Correct option: B:) Conversational language


27. Preface to Lyrical Ballads; For Wordsworth, poetry must reflect spontaneity and an ‘overflow of powerful feelings.’ Passion is key, as are mood and temperament. Although poetry must emerge from spontaneity, it must not be written spontaneously. Rather, Wordsworth asserts that a poem should be the result of long and deep reflection. He also cautions against being too concerned with the poetic rules of ______?

A:) Neo-Classicism

B:) Modernism

C:) Romanticism

D:) Classicism

springline- Correct option: C:) Romanticism


28. Preface to Lyrical Ballads; Wordsworth breaks down the poet’s process into four stages. The first is observation. A person, object, or situation must stimulate powerful emotions in the Romantic poet, and those observations must be noted. Recollection follows, which is the stage when the poet contemplates those observations. For this, Which is a must noted one by Wordsworth?

A:) diction

B:) forms

C:) tranquility

D:) filtering

springline- Correct option: C:) tranquility


29. Preface to Lyrical Ballads; Memories may surface that are days old or older, and the poet should contemplate those memories to explore how the emotions they provoke relate to past experiences. The goal is to express emotions in a way that the reader will understand, and can therefore contemplate. The third stage is _______?

A:) writing style

B:) Diction

C:) tranquility

D:) filtering

springline- Correct option: D:) filtering


30. Preface to Lyrical Ballads; Wordsworth dives deeper into the function of poetry. Unlike the classicists, who value art for the sake of art—the idea that art should be produced regardless of any moral values or concerns-Wordsworth and the Romantics believe in art for the sake of life. That is, Wordsworth sees the function of poetry as ennobling the reader through the teaching of moral and philosophical values and ________?

A:) truth

B:) beauty

C:) ideals

D:) imagination power

springline- Correct option: C:) ideals