Ode to a West Wind and Adonais

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1. Ode to the West Wind’ is an ode, written by Percy Bysshe Shelley in 1819 in Cascine wood near Florence, Italy. It was originally published in 1820 by Charles in London as part of the collection ______?

A:) Prometheus Unbound

B:) poems 1817

C:) Lamia

D:) Shelley’s poems

springline- Correct option: A:) Prometheus Unbound


2. Adonais: An Elegy on the Death of John Keats, Author of Endymion, Hyperion, etc. It is a pastoral elegy written by Percy Bysshe Shelley for John Keats in _____?

A:) 1818

B:) 1819

C:) 1821

D:) 1822

springline- Correct option: C:) 1821


3. Adonais: It widely regarded as one of Shelley's best and best-known works. The poem, which is in 495 lines, was composed in the spring of 1821 immediately after 11 April, when Shelley heard of Keats' death (seven weeks earlier). How many Spenserian stanzas had in this poem ?

A:) 44

B:) 55

C:) 66

D:) 33

springline- Correct option: B:) 55


4. Percy Bysshe Shelley ( 4 August 1792 – 8 July 1822) was one of the major English Romantic poets. American literary critic, describes him as ‘a superb craftsman, a lyric poet without rival, and surely one of the most advanced sceptical intellects ever to write a poem’. Who is the American Literary Critic?

A:) T.S. Eliot

B:) Umberto Eco

C:) Gianni Celati

D:) Harold Bloom

springline- Correct option: D:) Harold Bloom


5. Ode to the West Wind; Perhaps more than anything else, Shelley wanted his message of reform and revolution spread, and the wind becomes the trope for spreading the word of change through the poet-prophet figure. Some also believe that the poem was written in response to the loss of his son, William (born to Mary Shelley) in __________?

A:) 1819

B:) 1818

C:) 1817

D:) 1816

springline- Correct option: A:) 1819


6. Adonais; It is a pastoral elegy, in the English tradition of John Milton's Lycidas. Shelley had studied and translated classical elegies. The title of the poem is modelled on ancient works, such as Achilleis (a poem about Achilles), an epic poem by the 1st-century AD Roman poet Statius, and refers to the untimely death of the______?

A:) Roman Adonais

B:) Latin Adonais

C:) Greek Adonais

D:) Italy Adonais

springline- Correct option: C:) Greek Adonais


7. P..B. Shelly; A radical in his poetry as well as in his political and social views, Shelley did not achieve fame during his lifetime, but recognition of his achievements in poetry grew steadily following his death and he became an important influence on subsequent generations of poets including Robert Browning, Algernon Charles Swinburne, Thomas Hardy, and ________?

A:) T.S. Eliot

B:) John Keats

C:) W. B. Yeats

D:) Lord Byron

springline- Correct option: C:) W. B. Yeats


8. Ode to the West Wind; The poem allegorises the role of the poet as the voice of change and revolution. In Which tradition, an ode was considered a form of formal public invocation. It was usually a poem with a complex structure and was chanted or sung on important religious or state ceremonies ?

A:) ancient Greek

B:) ancient Latin

C:) Anglo - Saxon

D:) ancient Italic

springline- Correct option: A:) ancient Greek


9. Adonais; It was published by Charles Ollier in July 1821 (see 1821 in poetry) with a preface in which Shelley made the mistaken assertion that Keats had died from a rupture of the lung induced by rage at the unfairly harsh reviews of his verse in the Quarterly Review and other journals. He also thanked Joseph Severn for caring for Keats in _________?

A:) Italy

B:) Rome

C:) England

D:) Spain

springline- Correct option: B:) Rome


10. Shelley also wrote prose fiction and a quantity of essays on political, social, and philosophical issues. From the 1820s, his poems and political and ethical writings became popular in Owenist, Chartist, and radical political circles and later drew admirers as diverse as Karl Marx, Mahatma Gandhi, and ______?

A:) Harold Pinter

B:) Margaret Thatcher

C:) George Bernard Shaw

D:) Gordon Brown

springline- Correct option: C:) George Bernard Shaw


11. According to Whom , ‘Ode to the West Wind’ reflects two types of ode traditions: odes written by Pindar and the Horatian ode. The odes of Pindar were exalted in tone and celebrated human accomplishments, whereas the Horatian odes were personal and contemplative rather than public?

A:) Reynolds

B:) Harold Bloom

C:) Godwin

D:) Harold Budd

springline- Correct option: B:) Harold Bloom


12. Adonias; Keats found some of Shelley's advice patronising (the suggestion, for example, that Keats should not publish his early work). It is also possible that Keats resented Hunt's transferred allegiance. Despite this, the two poets exchanged letters after Shelley and his wife moved to _____?

A:) Rome

B:) England

C:) Italy

D:) America

springline- Correct option: C:) Italy


13. Shelley's life was marked by family crises, ill health, and a backlash against his atheism, political views and defiance of social conventions. He went into permanent self-exile in Italy in 1818, and over the next four years produced what Leader and O'Neill call ‘some of the finest poetry of the Romantic period’. His second wife, Mary Shelley, was the author of Frankenstein. He died in a _______?

A:) horse accident

B:) heart attack

C:) lung disease

D:) boating accident

springline- Correct option: D:) boating accident


14. The poem ‘Ode to the West Wind’ consists of five sections (cantos) written in terza rima. Each section consists of four tercets (ABA, BCB, CDC, DED:) and a rhyming couplet (EE). The Ode is written in ______?

A:) iambic tetrameter

B:) iambic pentameter

C:) Trimeter

D:) iambic trimeter

springline- Correct option: B:) iambic pentameter


15. Shelley regarded Adonais as the ‘least imperfect’ of his works. In a 5 June 1821 letter to John and to Whom, Shelley wrote about the work: ‘It is a highly wrought piece of art, perhaps better in point of composition than anything I have written ?

A:) Maria Gisborne

B:) Mary Shelley

C:) William Blake

D:) Godwin

springline- Correct option: A:) Maria Gisborne


16. Ode to the West Wind; The first stanza begins with the alliteration ‘wild West Wind’ (line 1). The form of the apostrophe makes the wind also a personification. However, one must not think of this ode as an optimistic praise of the wind; it is clearly associated with _______?

A:) spring

B:) autumn

C:) winter

D:) summer

springline- Correct option: B:) autumn


17. Adonias; The poet weeps for John Keats, who is dead and who will be long mourned. He calls on Urania to mourn for Keats who died in Rome .The poet summons the subject matter of Keats' poetry to weep for him. It comes and mourns at his bidding . Nature, celebrated by Keats in his poetry, mourns him. Which brings nature to new life, cannot restore him ?

A:) Spring

B:) Leaves

C:) Autumn

D:) fallen

springline- Correct option: A:) Spring


18. Ode to the West Wind; The first few lines contain personification elements, such as ‘leaves dead’, the aspect of death being highlighted by the inversion which puts ‘dead’ at the end of the line. These leaves haunt as ______?

A:) ghost

B:) giant

C:) devil

D:) monster

springline- Correct option: A:) ghost


19. Adonais; The poet urges the mourners not to weep any longer. Keats has become a portion of the eternal and is free from the attacks of reviewers. He is not dead; it is the living who are dead. Urania rises, goes to Keats' death chamber and laments that she cannot join him in death . Fellow poets mourn the death of Keats: Byron, Thomas Moore, Shelley, and ________?

A:) Wordsworth

B:) Robert Southey

C:) Leigh Hunt

D:) John Clare

springline- Correct option: C:) Leigh Hunt


20. In May, Shelley began visiting his mentor Godwin almost daily, and soon fell in love with Mary, the sixteen-year-old daughter of Godwin and the late feminist author Mary Wollstonecraft. Shelley and Mary declared their love for each other during a visit to her mother's grave in the churchyard of St Pancras Old Church on _______?

A:) 24 June

B:) 26 June

C:) 27 June

D:) 28 June

springline- Correct option: B:) 26 June


21. Ode to the West Wind; The second canto of the poem is much more fluid than the first one. The sky's ‘clouds’ are ‘like earth's decaying leaves’. They are a reference to the second line of the first canto (‘leaves dead’).They also are numerous in number like the dead leaves. Through this reference the landscape is recalled again. The ‘clouds’ are Shook from the tangled boughs of Heaven and ______?

A:) Forest

B:) River

C:) Ocean

D:) falls

springline- Correct option: C:) Ocean


22. Adonias; Keats is ‘made one with Nature.’His being has been withdrawn into the one Spirit which is responsible for all beauty. In eternity, other poets come for greed him, among them Thomas Chatterton, Sir Philip Sidney, and the Roman poet _______?

A:) Livy

B:) Columella

C:) Aulus Gellius

D:) Lucan

springline- Correct option: D:) Lucan


23. Shelley admired Byron's poetry and had sent him Queen Mab and other poems. Shelley's party arrived in Geneva in May and rented a house close to Villa Diodati, on the shores of Lake Geneva, where Byron was staying. There Shelley, Byron and the others engaged in discussions about literature, science and ‘various doctrines of _________?

A:) philosophical

B:) psychological

C:) medicine

D:) philologist

springline- Correct option: A:) philosophical


24. Ode to the West Wind; From line 26 to line 36 he gives an image of nature. But if it look closer at line 36, realise that the sentence is not what it appears to be at first sight, because it obviously means, so sweet that one feels faint in describing them. This shows that the idyllic picture is not what it seems to be and that the harmony will certainly soon be destroyed. A few lines later, Shelley suddenly talks about _______?

A:) fear

B:) religious

C:) death

D:) friendship

springline- Correct option: A:) fear


25. Adonais begins with the announcement of his death and the mourning that followed: ‘I weep for Adonais—he is dead!’ In Stanzas 2 through 35 a series of mourners lament the death of Adonais. The mother of Adonais, Urania, is invoked to arise to conduct the ceremony at his bier. The allusion is to Urania, the goddess of astronomy, and to the goddess _________?

A:) Mercury

B:) Saturn

C:) Neptune

D:) Venus

springline- Correct option: D:) Venus


26. Shelley and Mary returned to England in September 1816, and in early October they heard that Mary's half-sister Fanny Imlay had killed herself. Who believed that Fanny had been in love with Shelley, and Shelley himself suffered depression and guilt over her death, writing: ‘Friend had I known thy secret grief / Should we had parted so’?

A:) Byron

B:) Godwin

C:) Claire Clairmont

D:) Keats

springline- Correct option: B:) Godwin


27. Adonias; In Stanzas 30 through 34, a series of human mourners appears. The ‘Pilgrim of Eternity’ is Lord Byron, George Gordon, who had met and was a friend of Shelley's but who had never met Keats. Thomas Moore then appears who laments the sadness and loss that time causes. Thomas Moore Who was a______?

A:) Irish Poet

B:) Roman Poet

C:) Italy Poet

D:) Scotland Poet

springline- Correct option: A:) Irish Poet


28. Ode to the West Wind; Pirie calls this ‘the suppression of personality’ which finally vanishes at that part of the poem. It becomes more and more clear that what the author talks about now is himself. That this must be true, shows the frequency of the author's use of the first-person pronouns ‘I’ ,‘my’ and ‘me’. In the fourth Canto, these pronouns appear in_____?

A:) six times

B:) seven times

C:) eight times

D:) nine times

springline- Correct option: D:) nine times


29. Adonias; Which section(stanzas 48–52) is significant in the poem not only because Keats and Shelley's son are buried in the Protestant cemetery there but also because the section offers an alternative way of understanding themes already expressed in the poem ?

A:) Italy

B:) Rome

C:) Greek

D:) England

springline- Correct option: B:) Rome


30. Ode to the West Wind; This poem is a highly controlled text about the role of the poet as the agent of political and moral change. This was a subject Shelley wrote a great deal about, especially around 1819, with this strongest version of it articulated the last famous lines of his________?

A:) Defence of Poetry

B:) Adonias

C:) Ozymandias

D:) The Clouds

springline- Correct option: A:) Defence of Poetry