Ode on a Grecian Urn and To Autumn

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1. Ode on a Grecian Urn’is a poem written by the English Romantic poet John Keats in May 1819, first published anonymously in Annals of the Fine Arts for 1819[1] (see 1820 in poetry).The poem is one of the ‘Great Odes of 1819’, which also include ‘Ode on Indolence’, ‘Ode on Melancholy’, ‘Ode to a Nightingale’, and __________?

A:) Ode to Psyche

B:) Ode to West wind

C:) Ode on Solitude

D:) Ode on Melancholy

springline- Correct option: A:) Ode to Psyche"),


2. ‘To Autumn’ is a poem by English Romantic poet John Keats (31 October 1795 – 23 February 1821). The work was composed on 19 September 1819 and in a volume of Keats's poetry that included Lamia and The Eve of St. Agnes. To Autumn was published in _________?

A:) 1811

B:) 1819

C:) 1820

D:) 1821

springline- Correct option: c) 1820 "),


3. John Keats was an English poet prominent in the second generation of Romantic poets, with Lord Byron and Percy Bysshe Shelley, although his poems had been published for only four years when he died of tuberculosis at the age of _______?

A:) 21

B:) 23

C:) 29

D:) 25

springline- Correct option: D:) 25"),


4. Ode on a Grecian Urn; Keats found existing forms in poetry unsatisfactory for his purpose, and in this collection he presented a new development of the ode form. He was inspired to write the poem after reading two articles by English artist and writer ______?

A:) Lord Byron

B:) Benjamin Haydon

C:) Tennyson

D:) Isabella Jones

springline- Correct option: B:) Benjamin Haydon"),


5. To Autumn’ is the final work in a group of poems known as Keats's ‘1819 ode’. Although personal problems left him little time to devote to poetry in 1819, he composed ‘To Autumn’ after a walk near Winchester one autumnal________?

A:) morning

B:) noon

C:) evening

D:) night

springline- Correct option: c) evening"),


6. John Keats was born in Moorgate, London to Thomas and Frances Keats (née Jennings). There is little evidence of his exact birthplace. Although Keats and his family seem to have marked his birthday on 29 October, baptism records give the date as the _____?

A:) 31 October 1795

B:) 30 October 1795

C:) 28 October 1795

D:) 27 October 1795

springline- Correct option: A:) 31 October 1795"),


7. Ode on a Grecian Urn; In five stanzas of ten lines each, the poet addresses an ancient Grecian urn, describing and discoursing upon the images depicted on it. In particular he reflects upon two scenes, one in which a lover pursues his beloved, and another where villagers and a priest gather to perform ______?

A:) deathful

B:) sacrifice

C:) happy

D:) guilty

springline- Correct option: B:) sacrifice"),


8. To Autumn; Keats work marks the end of his poetic career, as he needed to earn money and could no longer devote himself to the lifestyle of a poet. A little over a year after the publication of To Autumn, Keats died in ______?

A:) Rome

B:) Italy

C:) German

D:) England

springline- Correct option: A:) Rome"),


9. When Keats received his apothecary's licence, which made him eligible to practise as an apothecary, physician and surgeon, but before the end of the year he had informed his guardian that he resolved to be a poet, not a surgeon ?

A:) 1816

B:) 1817

C:) 1818

D:) 1819

springline- Correct option: A:) 1816"),


10. By the spring of 1819, Keats had left his job as dresser, or assistant house surgeon, at Guy's Hospital, Southwark, London, to devote himself entirely to the composition of poetry. Keats living with his friend ________?

A:) Helen Vendler

B:) Leigh Hunt

C:) Charles Brown

D:) Bate

springline- Correct option: c) Charles Brown"),


11. John Keats; The 23-year-old was burdened with money problems and despaired when his brother George sought his financial assistance. These real-world difficulties may have given Keats pause for thought about a career in poetry, yet he did manage to complete _________?

A:) four odes

B:) five odes

C:) Six odes

D:) three odes

springline- Correct option: B:) five odes"),


12. Although Keats managed to write many poems in 1819, he was suffering from a multitude of financial troubles throughout the year, including concerns over his brother, George, who, after emigrating to America, was badly in need of money. Despite these distractions, When he found time to write ‘To Autumn’?

A:) 16 September 1819

B:) 17 September 1819

C:) 18 September 1819

D:) 19 September 1819

springline- Correct option: D:) 19 September 1819 "),


13. Ode on a Grecian Urn; In the first article, Who described Greek sacrifice and worship, and in the second article, he contrasted the artistic styles of Raphael and Michelangelo in conjunction with a discussion of medieval sculptures ?

A:) Leigh Hunt

B:) Haydon

C:) Andrew Motion

D:) Reynolds

springline- Correct option: B:) Haydon"),


14. To Autumn; Not everything on Keats's mind at the time was bright; the poet knew in September that he would have to finally abandon Hyperion. Thus, in the letter that he wrote to Reynolds, Keats also included a note saying that he abandoned his long poem. Keats did not send ‘To Autumn’ to Reynolds, but did include the poem within a letter to __________?

A:) Walpole house

B:) Reynolds

C:) Richard Woodhouse

D:) Leigh Hunt

springline- Correct option: c) Richard Woodhouse"),


15. John Keats; Shortly after his death, his publishers announced they would speedily publish The memoirs and remains of John Keats but his friends refused to cooperate and argued with each other to such an extent that the project was abandoned. Whose work was Lord Byron and some of his Contemporaries (1828) gives the first biographical account, strongly emphasising Keats's supposedly humble origins, a misconception which still continues ?

A:) Leigh Hunt

B:) Wilfred Owen

C:) Reynolds

D:) John Barnes

springline- Correct option: A:) Leigh Hunt "),


16. In 1819, Keats had attempted to write sonnets, but found that the form did not satisfy his purpose because the pattern of rhyme worked against the tone that he wished to achieve. When he turned to the ode form, he found that the standard Pindaric form used by poets such as John Dryden was inadequate for properly discussing ________?

A:) art

B:) poetry

C:) philosophy

D:) odes

springline- Correct option: c) philosophy "),


17. To Autumn’ describes, in its three stanzas, three different aspects of the season: its fruitfulness, its labour and its ultimate decline. Through the stanzas there is a progression from early autumn to mid autumn and then to the heralding of _______?

A:) snow

B:) Summer

C:) Spring

D:) Winter

springline- Correct option: D:) Winter"),


18. Who promoted Keats as someone whose achievement could not be separated from agony, who was 'spiritualised' by his decline and too fine-tuned to endure the harshness of life; the consumptive, suffering image popularly held today ?

A:) Byron

B:) Shelley

C:) T. S. Eliot

D:) Reynolds

springline- Correct option: B:) Shelley"),


19. Keats developed his own type of ode in ‘Ode to Psyche’, which preceded ‘Ode on a Grecian Urn’ and other odes he wrote in 1819. Keats's creation established a new poetic tone that accorded with his aesthetic ideas about_______?

A:) prose

B:) Drama

C:) Fiction

D:) Poetry

springline- Correct option: D:) Poetry"),


20. To Autumn; The first stanza of the poem represents Autumn as involved with the promotion of natural processes, growth and ultimate maturation, two forces in opposition in nature, but together creating the impression that the season will not end. In this stanza the fruits are still ripening and the buds still opening in the weather of ______?

A:) cold

B:) hazy

C:) warm

D:) snow

springline- Correct option: c) warm"),


21. Who wrote of Keats's conclusions; ‘There is hardly one statement of Keats' about poetry which ... will not be found to be true, and what is more, true for greater and more mature poetry than anything Keats ever wrote ?

A:) T.S. Eliot

B:) Lord Byron

C:) Bate

D:) Wilfred Owen

springline- Correct option: A:) T.S. Eliot"),


22. Theocritus describes both motion found in a stationary artwork and underlying motives of characters, ‘Ode on a Grecian Urn’ replaces actions with a series of questions and focuses only on external attributes of the characters. Ode on a Grecian Urn’ is organized into ten-line stanzas, beginning with an ABAB rhyme scheme and ending with a _________?

A:) platonic sestet

B:) Pindaric ode

C:) Miltonic Octave

D:) Miltonic sestet

springline- Correct option: D:) Miltonic sestet "),


23. To Autumn; In the second stanza, Autumn is personified as a harvester, to be seen by the viewer in various guises performing labouring tasks essential to the provision of food for the coming year. There is a lack of definitive action, all motion being gentle. Autumn is not depicted as actually harvesting but as seated, resting or watching. In Which lines the personification of Autumn is as an exhausted labourer ?

A:) lines 13-14

B:) lines 12-13

C:) lines 14–15

D:) lines 11-12

springline- Correct option: c) lines 14–15"),


24. During 1820 Keats displayed increasingly serious symptoms of tuberculosis, suffering two lung haemorrhages in the first few days of February. On first coughing up blood, on 3 February 1820, he said to Whom, ‘I know the colour of that blood! It is arterial blood. I cannot be deceived in that colour. That drop of blood is my death warrant. I must die’?

A:) Charles Armitage Brown

B:) Leigh Hunt

C:) Helen Vendler

D:) Lord Byron

springline- Correct option: A:) Charles Armitage Brown"),


25. The last stanza contrasts Autumn's sounds with those of Spring. The sounds that are presented are not only those of Autumn but essentially the gentle sounds of the evening. Gnats wail and lambs bleat in the dusk. As night approaches within the final moments of the song, Which is slowly approaching alongside the end of the year ?

A:) winter

B:) death

C:) sadness

D:) disease

springline- Correct option: B:) death"),


26. Ode on a Grecian Urn; The same overall pattern is used in ‘Ode on Indolence’, ‘Ode on Melancholy’, and ‘Ode to a Nightingale’ (though their sestet rhyme schemes vary), which makes the poems unified in structure as well as theme. The word ‘ode’ itself is of Greek origin, meaning ?

A:) sang

B:) music

C:) sung

D:) melody

springline- Correct option: c) sung"),


27. In September 1819, Keats wrote to Whom ;‘How beautiful the season is now – How fine the air. A temperate sharpness about it.... I never lik'd the stubbled fields as much as now – Aye, better than the chilly green of spring. Somehow the stubble plain looks warm – in the same way as some pictures look warm – this struck me so much in my Sunday's walk that I composed upon it’ ?

A:) Reynolds

B:) T. S. Eliot

C:) Leigh Hunt

D:) Richard Monckton Milnes

springline- Correct option: A:) Reynolds"),


28. According to Whom, ‘To Autumn’ may be seen as an allegory of artistic creation and as the farmer processes the fruits of the soil into what sustains the human body, so the artist processes the experience of life into a symbolic structure that may sustain the human spirit ?

A:) Reynolds

B:) Leigh Hunt

C:) Helen Vendler

D:) Lord Byron

springline- Correct option: c) Helen Vendler"),


29. Ode on a Grecian Urn; The use of the ABAB structure in the beginning lines of each stanza represents a clear example of structure found in classical literature, and the remaining six lines appear to break free of the traditional poetic styles of Greek ode and _______ ?

A:) Roman ode

B:) Latin ode

C:) Greek ode

D:) Italy Ode

springline- Correct option: A:) Roman ode"),


30. Ode on a Grecian Urn; In the third stanza, the narrator begins by speaking to a tree, which will ever hold its leaves and will not ‘bid the Spring adieu’. The paradox of life versus lifelessness extends beyond the lover and the fair lady and takes a more temporal shape as three of the ten lines begin with the words ________?

A:) no more

B:) everyday

C:) each day

D:) for ever

springline- Correct option: D:) for ever"),