1. William Hazlitt (10 April 1778 – 18 September 1830) was an English essayist, drama and literary critic, painter, social commentator, and philosopher. He is now considered one of the greatest critics and essayists in the history of the English language, placed in the company of Samuel Johnson and ______?
A:) George Orwell
B:) John Keats
C:) Godwin
D:) Robert Burns
springline- Correct option: A:) George Orwell
2. First Acquaintance with poets; Hazlitt father was a Dissenting Minister, at Wem, in Shropshire; and in the year 1798. Mr Coleridge came to Shrewsbury, to succeed Mr Rowe in the spiritual charge of a Unitarian Congregation there. He did not come late on the Saturday afternoon before he was to preach; and Mr Rowe, who himself went down to the coach, in a state of anxiety and _________?
A:) depressed
B:) expectation
C:) experience
D:) eagerness
springline- Correct option: B:) expectation
3. My First Acquaintance with poets ; Who had scarce returned to give an account of his disappointment when the round-faced man in black entered, and dissipated all doubts on the subject by beginning to talk ?
A:) St. John
B:) Mr.Jenkins
C:) Mr. Rowe
D:) Speaker
springline- Correct option: C:) Mr. Rowe
4. My First Acquaintance with poets; Mr. Rowe held the good town of Shewsbury in delightful suspense for three weeks that he remained there, ‘fluttering the proud Salopians, like an eagle in a dove-cote’; and Which mountain that skirt the horizon with their tempestuous confusion ?
A:) Scafell Pike mountain
B:) the Welsh mountains
C:) Helvellyn mountain
D:) Scafell mountains
springline- Correct option: B:) the Welsh mountains
5. My First Acquaintance with poets; Mr. Rowe and Hazlitt passed along between Wem and Shrewbury, and Hazlitt eyed their blue tops seen through the wintry branches, or the red rustling leaves of the sturdy oak-trees by _______?
A:) the road-side
B:) the country-side
C:) the church-side
D:) the forest-side
springline- Correct option: A:) the road-side
6. William Hazlitt is acknowledged as the finest art critic of his age. Despite his high standing among historians of literature and art, his work is currently little read and mostly out of print. During his lifetime he befriended many people who are now part of the 19th-century literary canon, including Charles and Mary Lamb, Stendhal, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, William Wordsworth, and _____?
A:) Shakespeare
B:) Robert Burns
C:) William Blake
D:) John Keats
springline- Correct option: D:) John Keats
7. My First Acquaintance with poets; Hazlitt soul has indeed remained in its original bondage, dark, obscure, with longing infinite and unsatisfied; His heart, shut up in the prison-house of this rude clay, has never found, nor will it ever find, a heart to speak to; but that his understanding also did not remain dumb and brutish, or at length found a language to express itself, He owe to ________?
A:) John Keats
B:) S.T. Coleridge
C:) William Wordsworth
D:) William Blake
springline- Correct option: B:) S.T. Coleridge
8. My First Acquaintance with poets; Hazlitt father lived ten miles from Shrewsbury, and was in the habit of exchanging visits with Mr Rowe, and with Whom of Whitchurch (nine miles his farther on), according to the custom of Dissenting Ministers in each other's neighbourhood ?
A:) Mr. Jenkins
B:) Mr. Johnson
C:) Mary Wolsetonecraft
D:) Burke
springline- Correct option: A:) Mr. Jenkins
9. William Hazlitt; The family of Hazlitt's father were Irish Protestants who moved from the county of Antrim to Tipperary in the early 18th century. Also named William Hazlitt, Hazlitt's father attended the University of Glasgow (where he was taught by Adam Smith), receiving a master's degree in 1760. Not entirely satisfied with his Presbyterian faith, he became a Unitarian minister in _____?
A:) England
B:) Italy
C:) Rome
D:) London
springline- Correct option: A:) England
10. My First Acquaintance with poets; ‘A line of communication is thus established, by which the flame of civil and religious liberty is kept alive, and nourishes its smouldering fire unquenchable, like the fires in the Agamemnon of Aeschylus, placed at different stations, that waited for ten long years to announce with their blazing pyramids the destruction of _____?
A:) religious
B:) Catholic
C:) Protestant
D:) Troy
springline- Correct option: D:) Troy
11. My First Acquaintance with poets; That was in January , that Hazlitt rose one morning before day-light to walk ten miles in the mud, to hear this celebrated person preach. Never, the longest day he has to live, and he has such another walk as that cold, raw, comfortless one, in the winter of the Year ____?
A:) 1798
B:) 1797
C:) 1796
D:) 1795
springline- Correct option: A:) 1798
12. My First Acquaintance with poets; Whose idea came into Hazlitt mind, the idea is ‘of one crying in the wilderness, who had his loins girt about, and whose food was locusts and wild honey’ and the preacher then launched into his subject, like an eagle dallying with the wind ?
A:) St. John
B:) Mr.Jenkins
C:) Mr. Rowe
D:) Speaker
springline- Correct option: A:) St. John
13. My First Acquaintance with poets; Hazlitt could not have been more delighted if he had heard the music of the spheres. Poetry and philosophy had met together. Truth and Genius had embraced, under the eye and with the sanction of _______?
A:) Spiritual
B:) Morality
C:) Religion
D:) Cultural
springline- Correct option: C:) Religion
14. Hazlitt was educated at home and at a local school. At age 13 he had the satisfaction of seeing his writing appear in print for the first time, when the Shrewsbury Chronicle published his letter (July 1791) condemning the riots in Birmingham over Joseph Priestley's support for the ______?
A:) Glorious Revolution
B:) French Revolution
C:) Whigs
D:) Tory
springline- Correct option: B:) French Revolution
15. My First Acquaintance with poets; Coleridge, in his(Hazlitt) person, was rather above the common size, inclining to be corpulent, or like Lord Hamlet, ‘somewhat fat and pursy.’ His hair (now, alas! Grey) was then black and glossy as the raven's, and fell in smooth masses over his forehead. This long pendulous hair is peculiar to enthusiasts, to those whose minds tend heavenward; and is traditionally inseparable (though of a different colour) from the pictures of ________?
A:) Christ
B:) Jesus
C:) Napoleon
D:) Alexander
springline- Correct option: A:) Christ
16. My First Acquaintance with poets; Coleridge seemed to take considerable notice of Hazlitt, and that of itself was enough. Coleridge talked very familiarly, but agreeably, and glanced over a variety of subjects. At dinner-time Coleridge grew more animated, and dilated in a very edifying manner on Mary Wolstonecraft and _________?
A:) St. John
B:) Mr.Jenkins
C:) Mr. Rowe
D:) Mackintosh
springline- Correct option: D:) Mackintosh
17. My First Acquaintance with poets; The last, Coleridge said, Hazlitt considered as a clever, scholastic man -- a master of the topics -- or, as the ready warehouseman of letters. Burke was a metaphysician, Mackintosh a mere ______?
A:) Philologist
B:) logician
C:) theologian
D:) moralist
springline- Correct option: B:) logician
18. My First Acquaintance with poets ; Hazlitt remember the leg of Welsh mutton and the turnips on the table that day had the finest flavour imaginable. Coleridge added that Mackintosh and Tom Wedgwood (or whom, however he spoke highly) had expressed a very indifferent opinion of his friend _________?
A:) Keats
B:) Robert Burns
C:) Charles Lamb
D:) Wordsworth
springline- Correct option: D:) Wordsworth
19. My First Acquaintance with poets; Godwin had once boasted to him of having carried on an argument with Mackintosh for three hours with dubious success; Who told to him – ‘If there had been a man of genius in the room, he would have settled the question in five minutes’ ?
A:) John Keats
B:) S.T. Coleridge
C:) William Wordsworth
D:) William Blake
springline- Correct option: B:) S.T. Coleridge
20. William Hazlitt; It was in this period ,Hazlitt came across Jean-Jacques Rousseau, who became one of the most important influences on the budding philosopher's thinking. He also familiarized himself with the works of Edmund Burke. Hazlitt impressed Burke’s ______?
A:) ideas
B:) writing style
C:) works
D:) philosophical ideas
springline- Correct option: B:) writing style
21. Hazlitt spent much of his time at home in an intensive study of English, Scottish, and Irish thinkers like John Locke, David Hartley, George Berkeley, and David Hume, together with French thinkers like Claude Adrien Helvétius, Étienne Bonnot de Condillac, the Marquis de Condorcet, and Baron d'Holbach. From this point onwards, Hazlitt's goal was to become a _______?
A:) artist
B:) priest
C:) poet
D:) philosopher
springline- Correct option: D:) philosopher
22. My First Acquaintance with poets; Coleridge said, was barricadoing the road to truth; it was setting up a turnpike-gate at every step they took. Hazlitt forget a great number of things, many more than he remember; but the day passed off pleasantly, and the next morning Mr. Coleridge was to return to Shrewsbury. When Hazlitt came down to breakfast, he found that Coleridge had just received a letter from his friend ______?
A:) William Godwin
B:) T. Wedgwood
C:) Edmund Burke
D:) Joseph Fawcett
springline- Correct option: B:) T. Wedgwood
23. On 14 January 1798, Hazlitt, in what was to prove a turning point in his life, encountered Coleridge as the latter preached at the Unitarian chapel in Shrewsbury.When Hazlitt jumped at Coleridge's invitation to visit him at his residence in Nether Stowey, and that same day was taken to call in on William Wordsworth at his house in Alfoxton?
A:) March
B:) April
C:) June
D:) July
springline- Correct option: B:) April
24. My First Acquaintance with poets; Rambling across the countryside, they(Hazlitt, Coleridge) talked of poetry, philosophy, and the political movements that were shaking up the old order. This unity of spirit was not to last: Hazlitt himself would recall disagreeing with Wordsworth on the philosophical underpinnings of his projected poem _______?
A:) The Prelude
B:) The Excursion
C:) London,1802
D:) The Recluse
springline- Correct option: D:) The Recluse
25. Hazlitt visited various picture galleries, and he began to get work doing portraits, painting somewhat in the style of Rembrandt. In this fashion, he managed to make something of a living for a time, travelling back and forth between London and the country, wherever he could get work. When his work was considered good enough that a portrait and he had recently painted of his father was accepted for exhibition by the Royal Academy?
A:) 1800
B:) 1801
C:) 1802
D:) 1803
springline- Correct option: C:) 1802
26. Roy Park has noted in particular Hazlitt's critique of excessive abstraction as a major flaw in the period's dominant philosophy and poetry. (‘Abstraction’, in this case, could be that of religion or mysticism as well as science.) This is the reason, according to Hazlitt, why neither Coleridge, nor Wordsworth, nor Byron could write effective ______?
A:) Prose
B:) Drama
C:) Poet
D:) Philosopher
springline- Correct option: B:) Drama
27. Hazlitt’s friends Hunt and Lamb get briefer coverage, and—Hazlitt was never one to mince words—they come in for some relatively gentle chiding amid the praise. One American author makes an appearance, Washington Irving, under his pen name of_________?
A:) Geoffrey Crayon
B:) George Orwell
C:) George Eliot
D:) Lewis Caroll
springline- Correct option: A:) Geoffrey Crayon
28. My First Acquaintance with poets; One morning, as soon as breakfast was over, Hazlitt and Coleridge strolled out into the park, and seating themselves on the trunk of an old ash-tree that stretched along the ground, Coleridge read aloud with a sonorous and musical voice, the ballad of __________?
A:) Faithfully
B:) Let It Be
C:) Purple Rain
D:) Betty Foy
springline- Correct option: D:) Betty Foy
29. The country about Nether Stowey is beautiful, green and hilly, and near the sea-shore. Hazlitt saw it but the other day, after an interval of twenty years, from a hill near Taunton. In the afternoon, Coleridge took me over to All-Foxden, a romantic old family mansion of the St. Aubins, Who lived there?
A:) Wordsworth
B:) John Keats
C:) Robert Burns
D:) Edmund Burke
springline- Correct option: A:) Wordsworth
30. Having by 1814 become established as a journalist, Hazlitt had begun to earn a satisfactory living. A year earlier, with the prospect of a steady income, he had moved his family to a house at 19 York Street, Westminster, which had been occupied by the poet John Milton, whom Hazlitt admired above all English poets except ______?
A:) Johnson
B:) T.S. Eliot
C:) Milton
D:) Shakespeare
springline- Correct option: D:) Shakespeare