1. Which is a poem written by Samuel Taylor Coleridge in 1802, The poem in its original form was written to Sara Hutchinson, a woman who was not his wife, and discusses his feelings of love for her ?
A:) Kubla Khan
B:) Dejection: An Ode
C:) Christable
D:) The Rime of ancient Mariner
springline- Correct option: B:) Dejection: An Ode
2. According to Coleridge's preface to Kubla Khan, the poem was composed one night after he experienced an opium-influenced dream after reading a work describing Shangdu, the summer capital of the Yuan dynasty founded by the Mongol Emperor ______?
A:) Kublai Khan
B:) Kubla Khan
C:) Christable
D:) Kubleei Khan
springline- Correct option: A:) Kublai Khan
3. Kubla Khan: or, A Vision in a Dream: A Fragment is a poem written by Samuel Taylor Coleridge, completed in 1797 and published in ______?
A:) 1814
B:) 1815
C:) 1813
D:) 1816
springline- Correct option: D:) 1816
4. Samuel Taylor Coleridge was an English poet, literary critic , philosopher and theologian who, with his friend William Wordsworth, was a founder of the Romantic Movement in England and a member of the Lake Poets. He also shared volumes and collaborated with Charles Lamb, Robert Southey, and ________?
A:) P.B. Shelly
B:) Lord Byron
C:) Charles Lloyd
D:) William Godwin
springline- Correct option: C:) Charles Lloyd
5. Dejection: An Ode; In 1802, Coleridge was separated from his family and he eventually returned home during March. The relationship between him and his wife was restarted and they had a daughter in December 1802. However, of the poems he intended to write about Hutchinson, he managed to complete one and an early draft was sent to her in a letter on ____?
A:) 4 April 1802
B:) 3rd April 1802
C:) 4 May 1802
D:) 4 June 1802
springline- Correct option: A:) 4 April 1802
6. Kubla Khan; The poem could not be completed according to its original 200–300 line plan as the interruption caused him to forget the lines. He left it unpublished and kept it for private readings for his friends until 1816 when, at the prompting of ___?
A:) William Wordsworth
B:) Lord Byron
C:) P. B. Shelly
D:) Charles Lamb
springline- Correct option: B:) Lord Byron
7. Coleridge’s critical work, especially on William Shakespeare, was highly influential, and he helped introduce German idealist philosophy to English-speaking culture. Coleridge coined many familiar words and phrases, including ‘suspension of disbelief’. He had a major influence on _______?
A:) James Boswel
B:) Richardson
C:) Wordsworth
D:) Ralph Waldo Emerson
springline- Correct option: D:) Ralph Waldo Emerson
8. Dejection: An Ode; The original draft was titled ‘Letter to Sara Hutchinson’, and it became Dejection when he sought to publish it. There are many differences between the versions beyond the original being 340 lines and the printed 139 lines as they reflect two different moments in Coleridge's __________.
A:) religious ecstasy
B:) emotional struggle
C:) emotional ecstasy
D:) religious struggle
springline- Correct option: B:) emotional struggle
9. Kubla Khan; The poem is vastly different in style from other poems written by Coleridge. The first stanza of the poem describes Khan's pleasure dome built alongside a sacred river fed by a powerful fountain. The second stanza of the poem is the narrator's response to the power and effects of an Abyssinian _____?
A:) male’s song
B:) girl’s song
C:) mistress’s song
D:) maid's song
springline- Correct option: D:) maid's song
10. Coleridge was born on 21 October 1772 in the town of Ottery St Mary in Devon, England. Samuel's father was the Reverend John Coleridge (1718–1781), the well-respected vicar of St Mary's Church, Ottery St Mary and was headmaster of the King's School, a free grammar school in the town established by ________?
A:) King Henry V
B:) King Henry IV
C:) King Henry I
D:) King Henry VIII
springline- Correct option: D:) King Henry VIII
11. Dejection: An Ode; It was published in the 4 October 1802 Morning Post (see 1802 in poetry). This date corresponding to Wordsworth's wedding to Mary Hutchinson and Coleridge's own wedding anniversary. The poem was grouped with the Asra poems, a series of poems discussing love that were dedicated to _______?
A:) Wordsworth
B:) Friend
C:) Hutchinson
D:) Byron
springline- Correct option: C:) Hutchinson
12. Kubla Khan; The third and final stanza shifts to a first-person perspective of the speaker detailing his sighting of a woman playing a dulcimer, and if he could revive her song, he could fill the pleasure dome with music. He concludes by describing a hypothetical audience's reaction to the song in the language of_______?
A:) political ecstasy
B:) emotional ecstasy
C:) joyful ecstasy
D:) religious ecstasy
springline- Correct option: D:) religious ecstasy
13. John Coleridge died in 1781, 8-year-old Samuel was sent to Christ's Hospital, a charity school which was founded in the 16th century in Greyfriars, London, where he remained throughout his childhood, studying and writing poetry. At that school Coleridge became friend with _____?
A:) Wordsworth
B:) William Godwin
C:) Charles Lamb
D:) Lord Byron
springline- Correct option: C:) Charles Lamb
14. Dejection: An Ode ;The poem was a reply to William Wordsworth's ‘Resolution and Independence’. It is also connected to Wordsworth's Immortality Ode in ______?
A:) form and theme
B:) theme and structure
C:) form and structure
D:) style and theme
springline- Correct option: B:) theme and structure
15. Dejection: An Ode ; The poem expresses feelings of dejection and the inability to write poetry or to enjoy nature. Wordsworth is introduced into the poem as a counter to Coleridge, because Who is able to turn such a mood into a benefit and is able to be comforted ?
A:) Lord Byron
B:) Shelly
C:) Wordsworth
D:) John Keats
springline- Correct option: C:) Wordsworth
16. Kubla Khan; Some of Coleridge's contemporaries denounced the poem and questioned his story of its origin. It was not until years later that critics began to openly admire the poem. Most modern critics now view Kubla Khan as one of Coleridge's three great poems, along with The Rime of the Ancient Mariner and _____?
A:) Dejection on Ode
B:) Lyrical Ballad
C:) Biographia Literaria
D:) Christabel
springline- Correct option: D:) Christabel
17. From 1791 until 1794, Coleridge attended Jesus College, Cambridge. In 1792, he won the Browne Gold Medal for an ode that he wrote attacking the slave trade. In December 1793, he left the college and enlisted in the 15th (The King's) Light Dragoons using the false name ‘Silas Tomkyn Comberbache’, perhaps because of debt or because the girl that he loved ______?
A:) Mary Evans
B:) Mary Magdalence
C:) Sara Hutchinson
D:) Anne Boleyn
springline- Correct option: A:) Mary Evans
18. Dejection on Ode; Coleridge cannot find anything positive in his problems, and he expresses how he feels paralyzed by his emotions.The poem also captures some feelings in Coleridge's previous works, especially in analyzing a problematic childhood and an exploration of_____?
A:) innocence
B:) religion
C:) age
D:) Society
springline- Correct option: B:) religion
19. Kubla Khan; The first stanza begins with a fanciful description of the origin of Kublai Khan's capital Xanadu (lines 1–2). It is described as being near the river Alph, which passes through caves before reaching a dark sea (lines 3–5). Ten miles of land were surrounded with fortified walls (lines 6–7), encompassing lush gardens and ______?
A:) mountain
B:) falls
C:) forests
D:) river
springline- Correct option: C:) forests
20. At Jesus College, Coleridge was introduced to political and theological ideas then considered radical, including those of the poet Robert Southey with whom he collaborated on the play The Fall of Robespierre. Coleridge joined Southey in a plan, later abandoned, to found a utopian commune-like society, called ______?
A:) Pantisocracy
B:) Pandemonium
C:) Hanoverian
D:) Pennsylvania
springline- Correct option: A:) Pantisocracy
21. Dejection on Ode; The poems also contain Coleridge's desires for Hutchinson, but these were later removed from the printed edition of the works. The editions are so different that they reflect the conflict and division that Coleridge felt during 1802. The tone of the poems are different, as the original was passionate and emotional, and the printed version was organized and ________?
A:) Religious
B:) philosophical
C:) psychological
D:) Historical
springline- Correct option: B:) philosophical
22. Kubla Khan; The second stanza describes a mysterious canyon (lines 12–16). A geyser erupted from the canyon (lines 17–19), throwing rubble into the air (lines 20–23) and forming the source of the sacred river ___?
A:) Wye
B:) Peter Bell
C:) Tees
D:) Alph
springline- Correct option: D:) Alph
23. Coleridge composed the symbolic poem Kubla Khan, written—Coleridge himself claimed—as a result of an opium dream, in 'a kind of a reverie'; and the first part of the narrative poem ______?
A:) Selected Poetry
B:) Christabel
C:) The friend
D:) Lay Sermons
springline- Correct option: B:) Christabel
24. Dejection on Ode; Coleridge is responding to, and interacting with, many of Wordsworth's poems. Coleridge's views on dejection and inability to find a positive in such feelings is connected to Wordsworth's ________?
A:) Pleasure with sadness
B:) Expostulation and Reply
C:) Experiment and Reply
D:) Expostulation and Religious
springline- Correct option: B:) Expostulation and Reply
25. Dejection on Ode; The poem's describing about nature and unable to enjoy natural scenes anymore is connected to the inability to see nature in the same way as previously possible within Wordsworth's Immortality Ode . Like the Immortality Ode, Dejection is a _________?
A:) Irregular Ode
B:) Horatian Ode
C:) Pindaric Ode
D:) the Epode
springline- Correct option: C:) Pindaric Ode
26. Kubla Khan, present for the eruption, heard a prophecy of war (lines 29–30). An indented section presents an image of the pleasure-dome reflected on the water, surrounded by the sound of the geyser above ground and the river.The third stanza shifts to the first-person perspective of the poem's speaker. He once saw a woman in a vision playing a _______?
A:) Cornet
B:) Trombone
C:) Saxophone
D:) dulcimer
springline- Correct option: D:) dulcimer
27. Coleridge’s opium addiction (he was using as much as two quarts of laudanum a week) now began to take over his life: he separated from his wife Sara in 1808, quarrelled with Wordsworth in 1810, lost part of his annuity in 1811, and put himself under the care of Dr. Daniel in ______?
A:) 1811
B:) 1812
C:) 1813
D:) 1814
springline- Correct option: D:) 1814
28. Dejection on Ode; Who claims that the trimming of the poem ‘set forth upon the world as one of the oddest compromises in English poetry: an intensely, bitterly, almost indecently private poem of an unhappily married poet, cast into the most public of all forms, the neoclassical Pindaric?
A:) Robert Southey
B:) Lord Byron
C:) George Watson
D:) Charles Lamb
springline- Correct option: C:) George Watson
29. Coleridge described the circumstances of his dream and the poem in two places: on a manuscript copy written some time before 1816, and in the preface to the printed version of the poem published in 1816. According to the extended preface narrative, Coleridge was reading Purchas his Pilgrimes , and fell asleep after reading about Kublai Khan. Purchas his Pilgrimes, it was written by ______?
A:) P.B. Shelly
B:) Samuel Purchas
C:) William Godwin
D:) Wordsworth
springline- Correct option: B:) Samuel Purchas
30. As important as Coleridge was to poetry as a poet, he was equally important to poetry as a critic. His philosophy of poetry, which he developed over many years, has been deeply influential in the field of literary criticism. This influence can be seen in such critics as A. O. Lovejoy and I. A. Richards. Who makes mention of his name in The Screwtape Letters ?
A:) John Keats
B:) Shelly
C:) C.S. Lewis
D:) William Godwin
springline- Correct option: C:) C.S. Lewis