1. The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling, often known simply as Tom Jones, is a comic novel by English playwright and novelist Henry Fielding. It is a Bildungsroman and a picaresque novel. The picaresque novel is a genre of ______?
A:) Literary Fiction
B:) Prose Fiction
C:) Magical Realism
D:) Nonfiction
springline- Correct option: B:) Prose Fiction
2. Tom Jones; It was first published on 28 February 1749 in London and is among the earliest English works to be classified as a novel. It is the earliest novel mentioned by Whom, in his 1948 book Great Novelists and Their Novels among the ten best novels of the world?
A:) Samuel Taylor Coleridge
B:) William Blake
C:) W. Somerset Maugham
D:) Walter Scott
springline- Correct option: C:) W. Somerset Maugham
3. Tom Jones; The novel is highly organised despite its length.Who argued that it has one of the ‘three most perfect plots ever planned’, alongside Oedipus Tyrannus and The Alchemist?
A:) Samuel Taylor Coleridge
B:) John Clare
C:) Robert Burns
D:) Robert Southey
springline- Correct option: A:) Samuel Taylor Coleridge
4. Tom Jones It is generally regarded as Fielding's greatest book and as an influential English novel. The book opens with the narrator stating that the purpose of the novel will be to explore ‘human nature’. The novel's events occupy _______?
A:) Nineteen Books
B:) Sixteen Books
C:) Seventeen Books
D:) Eighteen Books
springline- Correct option: D:) Eighteen Books
5. Tom Jones; The kindly and wealthy Squire Allworthy and his sister Bridget are introduced in their wealthy estate in Somerset. Allworthy returns from London after an extended business trip and finds an abandoned baby sleeping in his bed. He summons his housekeeper named _______?
A:) Harriet Fitzpatrick
B:) Mrs. Deborah Wilkins
C:) Miss Jenny Jones
D:) Mr. Nightingale
springline- Correct option: B:) Mrs. Deborah Wilkins
6. Tom Jones; Jenny is brought before the Allworthys and admits being the baby's mother, but she refuses to reveal the father's identity. Mr Allworthy mercifully removes Jenny to a place where her reputation will be unknown and tells his sister to raise the boy, the name of _________?
A:) Thomas
B:) George
C:) Mr. Roger Thwackum
D:) Mr. Benjamin
springline- Correct option: A:) Thomas
7. In Tom Jones; Two brothers, Dr Blifil and Captain Blifil, regularly visit the Allworthy estate. Who introduces the captain to Bridget in the hope of marrying into Allworthy's wealth and the couple soon marries ?
A:) Miss Western
B:) Mr. Thomas Square
C:) Mrs. Partridge
D:) Doctor
springline- Correct option: D:) Doctor
8. Tom grows into a vigorous and lusty yet honest and kind-hearted youth. He tends to be closer friends with the servants. He is close friends with Black George, who is the _____?
A:) tutor to Tom
B:) Philosopher
C:) School master
D:) gamekeeper
springline- Correct option: D:) gamekeeper
9. Tom’s first love is Molly, Black George's second daughter and a local beauty. She throws herself at Tom, who gets her pregnant and then feels obliged to offer her his protection. After some time, however, Tom finds out that Molly is somewhat promiscuous. He then falls in love with a neighbouring squire's lovely daughter________?
A:) Mr. Benjamin
B:) Sophia Western
C:) Miss Molly
D:) Miss Nancy Miller
springline- Correct option: B:) Sophia Western
10.Tom Jones; Tom's status as a bastard causes Sophia's father and Allworthy to disapprove their love. This class friction gives Fielding an opportunity for biting social commentary. The inclusion of prostitution and sexual promiscuity in the plot was also novel for its time, and it was the foundation for criticism of the book's _________?
A:) Culture
B:) Fanaticism
C:) lowness
D:) Social Class
springline- Correct option: C:) lowness
11. Squire Allworthy falls ill and is convinced that he is dying. His family and servants gather around his bed as he disposes his wealth. He gives a favourable amount of his wealth to Tom Jones, which displeases Master Blifil. Who believing that Sophia and Blifil are in love ?
A:) Mr. Thomas Square
B:) Mrs. Partridge
C:) Mrs. Western
D:) Sophia Western
springline- Correct option: C:) Mrs. Western
12. Tom Jones; Blifil tells Allworthy that, on the day he almost died, Tom was out drinking and singing and celebrating his coming death. Whose banishment seems to ensure that Sophia will be forced to marry Blifil,To Whom she finds odious, so she flees to avoid that fate?
A:) Tom
B:) Squire Western
C:) Mrs. Blifil
D:) Dr Blifil
springline- Correct option: A:) Tom
13. Tom Jones; Tom is expelled from Allworthy's estate he begins his adventures across Britain, eventually ending up in London. On the way, he meets a barber, Partridge, who was banished from town because he was thought to be Tom's ________?
A:) friend
B:) brother
C:) father
D:) stepfather
springline- Correct option: C:) father
14. Partridge becomes Tom's faithful companion in the hope of restoring his reputation. During their journey, they end up at an inn. While they are there, a lady and her maid arrive. Sophia and her maid arrive at the same inn, and Who unknowingly reveals the relationship between Tom and Mrs Waters ?
A:) Captain John Blifil
B:) Lady Bellaston
C:) Partridge
D:) Miss Jenny Jones
springline- Correct option: C:) Partridge
15. The secret of Tom's birth is revealed after a brief scare involving Mrs Waters. Mrs Waters is really Jenny Jones, Tom's supposed mother, and Tom fears that he has committed incest. This, however, is not the case, as Tom's mother is in fact Bridget Allworthy, who conceived him after an affair with a _____?
A:) Schoolmaster
B:) Doctor
C:) Lawyer
D:) Brian Fitzpatrick
springline- Correct option: A:) Schoolmaster
16. The reader's relationship with the narrator is something like a subplot. The reader becomes more attached to the narrator over the course of the book, culminating in a heartfelt farewell’Whose notion is this?
A:) Charles Lamb
B:) Emily Bronte
C:) Wayne C. Booth
D:) Ian Watt
springline- Correct option: C:) Wayne C. Booth
17. Fielding presents a panorama of contemporary British life, drawing characters from many different classes and occupations. Who argues in The Rise of the Novel that Fielding did not aim at the ‘realism of presentation’ of lifelike detail and psychology practiced by authors such as Richardson ?
A:) Mary Robinson
B:) Ian Watt
C:) Charlotte Smith
D:) Thomas Moore
springline- Correct option: B:) Ian Watt
18. Tom Jones; The novel takes place against the backdrop of the Jacobite rising of 1745. Characters take different sides over the rebellion, which was an attempt to restore Roman Catholicism as the established religion of England and to undo the ______?
A:) Renaissance
B:) Reformation
C:) Restoration
D:) Glorious Revolution
springline- Correct option: D:) Glorious Revolution
19. Tom Jones; Who is Tom's lover and a leading figure in London society, and who tries to force Sophia into marriage to a lord by having her raped by him, so that she can have Jones to herself ?
A:) Lady Bellaston
B:) Miss Betty Miller
C:) Miss Jenny Jones
D:) Miss Nancy Miller
springline- Correct option: A:) Lady Bellaston
20. Tom Jones; Miss Nancy Miller a good-natured girl who is imposed on by Mr Nightingale and is ruined by him, together with her family, by lack of constancy in virtue. Later she appeared as a______?
A:) Mrs. Deborah Wilkins
B:) Mrs. Waters
C:) Nightingale
D:) Mrs. Blifil
springline- Correct option: C:) Nightingale
21. Henry Fielding (22 April 1707 – 8 October 1754) was an English novelist and dramatist known for his earthy humour and satire. His comic novel Tom Jones is still widely appreciated. He and Who are seen as founders of the traditional English novel?
A:) Jonathan Swift
B:) Daniel Defoe
C:) D.H. Lawrence
D:) Samuel Richardson
springline- Correct option: D:) Samuel Richardson
22. Fielding was born at Sharpham, Somerset, and educated at Eton College, where he began a lifelong friendship with William Pitt the Elder. Based on Fielding’s earlier Tom Thumb, this was another of Fielding's irregular plays published under the name of________?
A:) F.R.Scriblerus Secundus
B:) H. Scriblerus Secundus
C:) F. Scriblerus Secundus
D:) H. Scriblerus Club
springline- Correct option: B:) H. Scriblerus Secundus
23. Fielding greatest work is The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling (1749), a meticulous comic novel with elements of the picaresque and the Bildungsroman, telling a convoluted, hilarious tale of how a foundling came into a fortune. In literary criticism, a Bildungsroman is a literary genre that focuses on the protagonist’s moral growth and _______?
A:) psychological
B:) Philosophical
C:) Critical
D:) Social Class
springline- Correct option: A:) psychological
24. According to G. M. Trevelyan, ‘the Fieldings (Henry Fielding and his brother) were two of the best magistrates in 18th-century London, who did much to enhance judicial reform and improve prison conditions’. G.M. Trevelyan who was a______?
A:) Novelist
B:) Critic
C:) Philosopher
D:) Historian
springline- Correct option: D:) Historian
25. Fielding to air political views in satirical articles and newspapers in the late 1730s and early 1740s. He was the main writer and editor from 1739 to 1740 for the satirical paper The Champion, which was sharply critical of _____?
A:) Tory’s government
B:) Walpole’s government
C:) Whig’s government
D:) Church of England
springline- Correct option: B:) Walpole’s government
26. The distinguished country gentleman Allworthy, who lives in Somersetshire with his unmarried sister Bridget Allworthy, arrives home from a trip to London to discover a baby boy in is bed. Who undertakes to uncover the mother and father of this foundling, and finds local woman Jenny Jones and her tutor, Mr. Partridge, guilty?
A:) Allworthy
B:) Dr Bilfil
C:) Captain John Bilfil
D:) Squire Western
springline- Correct option: A:) Allworthy
27. The narrator skips forward twelve years. Blifil and Tom Jones have been brought up together, but receive vastly different treatment from the other members of the household. Allworthy is the only person who shows consistent affection for Tom. Tom tells all of his secrets to___________?
A:) Mr. Honour Blackmore
B:) Allworthy
C:) Blifil
D:) Squire Allworthy
springline- Correct option: C:) Blifil
28. Blifil thus begins his courtship of Sophia, and brags so much about his progress that Allworthy believes that Sophia must love Blifil.Who plan to marry Sophia to Blifil and Who promises not to reveal Sophia's love for Tom as long as Sophia submits to receiving Blifil as a suitor?
A:) Squire Western
B:) Mrs. Western
C:) Miss Sophia
D:) Lord Fellamar
springline- Correct option: B:) Mrs. Western's
29. In this novel Tom Jones; Mr. Fitzpatrick thinks Tom is his wife's lover and begins a duel with Tom. In defending himself, Tom stabs Fitzpatrick with the sword and is thrown into jail. Who visits Tom in jail with the ghastly news that Mrs. Waters is Jenny Jones, Tom's mother?
A:) Partridge
B:) Mrs. Partridge
C:) Miss Western
D:) Miss Jenny Jones
springline- Correct option: A:) Partridge
30. Tom Jones; Who meets with Allworthy and explains that Fitzpatrick is still alive, and has admitted to initiating the duel Who also tells Allworthy that a lawyer acting on behalf of an unnamed gentleman tried to persuade her to conspire against Tom?
A:) Miss Beety Miller
B:) Mrs. Waters
C:) Lady Bellasston
D:) Squire Allworthy
springline- Correct option: B:) Mrs. Waters