To His Coy Mistress

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1. To His Coy Mistress’ is a metaphysical poem written by the English author and politician Andrew Marvell either during or just before the English Interregnum . It was published posthumously in_______?

a) 1680

b) 1681

c) 1681

d) 1679

springline- Correct option: b) 1681


2. This poem, To His Coy Mistress, is considered one of Marvell's finest and is possibly the best recognised carpe diem poem in English. It may have been written in the early 1650s. Carpe diem is a ______?

a) Latin aphorism

b) Italian aphorism

c) Greek aphorism

d) Saxon aphorism

springline- Correct option: a) Latin aphorism


3. To His Coy Mistress; In Which stanza the speaker urges the woman to requite his efforts, and argues that in loving one another with passion they will both make the most of the brief time they have to live?

a) second stanza

b) fourth stanza

c) first stanza

d) final stanza

springline- Correct option: d) final stanza


4. To His Coy Mistress; The poem is written in iambic tetrameter and rhymes in couplets. The first verse paragraph (Had we...) is ten couplets long, the second (But...) six, and the third (Now therefore...) seven. What is the form of the poem runs by: if... but... therefore.... ?

a) lyrical

b) metaphysical

c) logical

d) typical

springline- Correct option: c) logical


5. To His Coy Mistress’ had been received by many as a poem that follows the traditional conventions of carpe diem love poetry. Who were argue that Marvell's use of complex and ambiguous metaphors challenges the perceived notions of the poem?

a) Historian

b) theorist

c) Modern poet

d) Modern Critic

springline- Correct option: d) Modern Critic


6. At least two poets have taken up the challenge of responding to Marvell's poem in the character of the lady so addressed. Annie Finch's Coy Mistress suggests that poetry is a more fitting use of their time than lovemaking, while Whose work is His Coy Mistress to Mr. Marvell’turns down the offered seduction outright?

a) John Milton

b) A.D.Hope

c) T.S.Eliot

d) John Donne

springline- Correct option: b) A.D.Hope


7. To His Coy Mistress” is a love poem: it celebrates beauty, youth, and sexual pleasure. However, the speaker of the poem is haunted by ______?

a) Mortality

b) Spirituality

c) Formalism

d) Morality

springline- Correct option: a) Mortality


8. In ‘To His Coy Mistress’ poem; Death cannot be delayed or defeated; the only response to death, according to the speaker, is to enjoy as much pleasure as possible before it comes. The poem draws a contrast between two kinds of love. The two kind of love were?

a) panic and rustic love

b) full and rushed love

c) kind and pleasure

d) fragment and rushed love

springline- Correct option: a) panic and rustic love


9. To His Coy Mistress ;He describes his mistress finding precious stones on the banks of the Ganges; How many years he praising a single part of her body?

a) One hundred years

b) three hundred years

c) Two hundred years

d) four hundred years

springline- Correct option: c) Two hundred years


10.In ‘To His Coy Mistress’; Which is as the speaker imagines it, is the opposite of the paradise presented, and instead of endless pleasure, it offers “deserts of vast eternity?

a) fear

b) romance

c) love

d) death

springline- Correct option: d) death


11.To His Coy Mistress; The speaker’s view of death is secular; he is not afraid of going to Hell or being punished for his sins. The language of the stanza-I is _____?

a) grotesque

b) Figurative

c) genealogical

d) typological

springline- Correct option: a) grotesque


12. To His Coy Mistress; In the first two lines of ‘To His Coy Mistress,’ the poem establishes its form and its central concern. The speaker addresses someone directly, whom he calls ______?

a) Girl

b) lady

c) women

d) loved one

springline- Correct option: b) lady


13. The word ‘mistress’ means something different now than it did in Marvell's time. Though Who use the word to describe a woman who has an affair with a married man,?

a) Marvell

b) Fellow poet

c) Contemporary speakers

d) shakespeare

springline- Correct option: c) Contemporary speakers


14. When Marvell was serving as a tutor to the daughter of the retired commander of the New Model Army, Sir Thomas Fairfax?

a) Early 1650s

b) Later 1650s

c) Early 1630s

d) Later 1630s

springline- Correct option: a) Early 1650s


15. Andrew Marvell was an English metaphysical poet, satirist and politician who sat in the House of Commons at various times between_____.

a) 1645 and 1659

b) 1665 and 1677

c) 1658 and 1667

d) 1659 and 1678

springline- Correct option: d) 1659 and 1678


16. Marvell was born in Winestead-in-Holderness, East Riding of Yorkshire, near the city of Kingston upon Hull, the son of a Church of England clergyman also named Andrew Marvell. During the Commonwealth period he was a colleague and friend of______?

a) John Donne

b) John Milton

c) John Dryden

d) A.D.Hope

springline- Correct option: b) John Milton


17. In Rome in 1645 he probably met the Villiers brothers, Lord Francis and the 2nd Duke of Buckingham, as well as Richard Flecknoe, about whom he would later on write a satirical poem. It is not known exactly where his travels took him except that Milton later reported that Marvell had mastered ________?

a) two languages

b) three languages

c) four languages

d) five language

springline- Correct option: c) four languages


18. Marvell's first poems, which were written in Latin and Greek and published when he was still at Cambridge, lamented a visitation of the plague and celebrated the birth of a child to King _____?

a) Charles I

b) James I

c) Charles II

d) James III

springline- Correct option: a) Charles I


19. Marvell became a Parliamentarian and was opposed to episcopacy, he was not a Puritan. Later in life especially, he seems to have been a conforming Anglican. Marvell positively identifies himself as 'a Protestant' in_________?.

a) manuscript

b) poem

c) prose

d) Pamphlets

springline- Correct option: d) Pamphlets


20. Marvell is said to have adhered to the established stylized forms of his contemporary neoclassical tradition. These include the carpe diem lyric tradition which also forms the basis of his famous lyric________?

a) To His Coy Mistress

b) The Garden

c) The poems of Andrew

d) The complete poems

springline- Correct option: a) To His Coy Mistress


21. Who adopted familiar forms and infused them with his unique conceits, analogies, reflections and preoccupations with larger questions about life and death, in his one of the work?

a) George Herbert

b) Milton

c) Marvell

d) Henry Vaughan

springline- Correct option: c) Marvell


22. Marvell had flirted briefly with Catholicism as a youth,[24] and was described in his thirties (on the Saumur visit) as a notable English Italo-Machiavellian. Machiavellian who was a _____?

a) Italian diplomat

b) Italian critic

c) Italian poet

d) England diplomat

springline- Correct option: a) Italian diplomat


23. Marvell’s best known work of To His Coy Mistress which was wrote at the his time of________?

a) Latin Secretary

b) after Restoration

c) Anglo-Dutch War

d) Nun Appleton Hall

springline- Correct option: d) Nun Appleton Hall


24. When Marvell joined Milton, who by that time had lost his sight, in service as Latin secretary to Cromwell's Council of State at a salary of £200 a year, which represented financial security at that time ?

a) 1656

b) 1654

c) 1657

d) 1658

springline- Correct option: c) 1657


25. Who wrote of Marvell's style that ; ‘It is more than a technical accomplishment, or the vocabulary and syntax of an epoch; it is, what we have designated tentatively as wit, a tough reasonableness beneath the slight lyric grace’?

a) T.S.Eliot

b) John Milton

c) Abraham Cowley

d) Richard Crashaw

springline- Correct option: a) T.S.Eliot


26. Who increasingly developed a self-conscious relationship to tradition, which took the form of a new emphasis on craftsmanship of expression and an idiosyncratic freedom in allusions to Classical and Biblical sources?

a) Critics

b) philosopher

c) Poets

d) theorist

springline- Correct option: c) Poets


27. Which poem is Marvell's most celebrated poem, combines an old poetic conceit (the persuasion of the speaker's lover by means of a carpe diem philosophy) with Marvell's typically vibrant imagery and easy command of rhyming couplets ?

a) Coy Mistress

b) To His Coy Mistress

c) The Garden

d) The Royal Manual

springline- Correct option: b) To His Coy Mistress


28. Marvel was succeeded as Lord Protector by Cromwell’s son Richard. When was, Marvell elected Member of Parliament for Kingston upon Hull in the Third Protectorate Parliament?

a) 1658

b) 1659

c) 1661

d) 1664

springline- Correct option: b) 1659


29. Who noted that Marvell is sometimes known as the British Aristides for his incorruptible integrity in life and poverty at death. Many of his poems were not published until 1681?

a) T.S.Eliot

b) George Manley

c) Thomas Traherne

d) Vincent Palmieri

springline- Correct option: d) Vincent Palmieri


30. To His Coy Mistress ; Who note the sense of urgency of the narrator in the poem's third section, especially the alarming comparison of the lovers to amorous birds of prey?

a) Philosopher

b) Critic

c) poet

d) Narrators

springline- Correct option: b) Critic