1. She Stoops to Conquer ; Initially the play was titled Mistakes of a Night and the events within the play take place in one long night. In 1778, John O'Keeffe wrote a loose sequel, Tony Lumpkin in Town. She Stoops to Conquer is a comedy by Oliver Goldsmith, first performed in London in _____?
A:) 1770
B:) 1771
C:) 1772
D:) 1773
springline- Correct option: D:) 1773
2. Mrs. Hardcastle complains to her husband that they never leave their rural home to see the new things happening in the city. Hardcastle says he loves everything old, including his old wife. Mrs. Hardcastle says she was a young woman when she had her first husband’s son, Tony, and he is not yet ______?
A:) twenty
B:) nineteen
C:) twenty-one
D:) twenty-two
springline- Correct option: C:) twenty-one
3. Hardcastle’s daughter Kate enters. He remarks on her fashionable clothing, which he dislikes. Kate reminds him of their deal: she wears what she likes in the morning and dresses in the old-fashioned style he prefers at night. Who complains about Tony’s immaturity and love of pranks ?
A:) Marlow
B:) Kate
C:) Hardcastle
D:) Mrs. Hardcastle
springline- Correct option: C:) Hardcastle
4. Hardcastle reveals big news: his friend Sir Charles’s son, Marlow, is coming to visit, and Hardcastle hopes Kate and Marlow will marry. Hardcastle says Marlow has a reputation for being handsome, intelligent and very modest. Who likes all but the last part of this description and resolves to try to make a good impression on Marlow ?
A:) Kate
B:) Tony
C:) Constance
D:) Sir Charles Marlow
springline- Correct option: A:) Kate
5. Hardcastle exits, leaving Kate to think over her visitor. She is joined by her cousin Constance, whom she tells about Marlow’s impending visit. Constance tells her that she knows Marlow: he is the best friend of her suitor_____?
A:) Tony
B:) Hastings
C:) Maid
D:) Diggory
springline- Correct option: B:) Hastings
6. The odd thing about Marlow is that he is terribly shy around upper-class women, and therefore often seduces lower-class women instead. Who wants Constance to marry her cousin, Tony, so that Constance’s inherited jewels stay in the family?
A:) Marlow
B:) Kate
C:) Hardcastle
D:) Mrs. Hardcastle
springline- Correct option: D:) Mrs. Hardcastle
7. To a bar, where Tony is drinking with a group of lower-class men. The bar’s owner says that two fashionable-looking men have arrived who say they are looking for Mr. Hardcastle’s house. Tony realizes that this must be _____?
A:) Kate
B:) Marlow
C:) Jeremy
D:) Constance
springline- Correct option: B:) Marlow
8. Hastings says that they should keep Marlow’s mistake from him, because he will be embarrassed and leave immediately if he learns the truth. Who urges Constance to elope with him, but she is reluctant to lose her fortune: the jewels, which she will only inherit if she marries with her aunt’s permission ?
A:) Hastings
B:) Sir Charles Marlow
C:) Mrs.Hardcastle
D:) Tony
springline- Correct option: A:) Hastings
9. Marlow returns, complaining that Hardcastle will not leave him alone. Hastings tells Marlow that by coincidence, Constance and her cousin Kate are both at this inn. Marlow freezes in anxiety. Constance makes a show of flirting with Tony for ______?
A:) Hardcastle
B:) Aunt
C:) Kate
D:) Mrs. Hardcastle
springline- Correct option: D:) Mrs. Hardcastle
10. Hastings tells Mrs. Hardcastle that he will try to talk some sense into Tony, and Constance and Mrs. Hardcastle exit. Hastings reveals that he loves Constance and wants to elope with her. Who is thrilled and promises to help the couple ?
A:) Landlord
B:) Jeremy
C:) Tony
D:) Marlow
springline- Correct option: C:) Tony
11. Tony reassures Constance privately, telling her that he gave her jewels to Hastings, who is preparing for their elopement. Meanwhile, Mrs. Hardcastle has discovered the jewels are missing. Tony teases his distressed mother, and the two of them exit. Kate enters accompanied by her maid ______?
A:) Snake
B:) Diggory
C:) Pimple
D:) kite
springline- Correct option: C:) Pimple
12. Constance and Hastings planning their elopement. Constance tells Hastings that she has heard Sir Charles will soon be arriving, and Hastings tells Constance that he has entrusted her box of jewels to Marlow to keep them safe. They both exit. Marlow enters, congratulating himself on thinking to give the box of jewels to the landlady to keep it safe. Who is that landlady?
A:) Maid
B:) Diggory
C:) Mrs. Hardcastle
D:) Constance Neville
springline- Correct option: C:) Mrs. Hardcastle
13. Tony and Constance discuss her plan to elope with Hastings, even without the jewels. Mrs. Hardcastle enters and the two cousins pretend to flirt so she won’t suspect the planned elopement. A letter comes from Hastings addressed to Tony. Who read that letter?
A:) Tony
B:) Mrs. Hardcastle
C:) Hardcastle
D:) Kate
springline- Correct option: B:) Mrs. Hardcastle
14. Hardcastle and Sir Charles hide behind a screen and watch the conversations; Kate no longer pretends to be a barmaid, but speaks in her normal voice. Who says he wishes he could stay with her, but he does not want to disappoint his family by marrying someone of lower birth ?
A:) Marlow
B:) Tony
C:) Hastings
D:) Landlord
springline- Correct option: A:) Marlow
15. She Stoops to Conquer; The original production premiered in London at Covent Garden Theatre on 15 March 1773 with Mary Bulkley as Constantia Hardcastle, and was immediately successful. In the nineteenth century, actor and comedian Lionel Brough debuted as_______?
A:) Hastings
B:) Tony
C:) Marlow
D:) Hardcastle
springline- Correct option: B:) Tony
16. She Stoops to Conquer; When the play was first produced, it was discussed as an example of the revival of laughing comedy over the sentimental comedy seen as dominant on the English stage since the success of The Conscious Lovers, written by Sir Richard Steele in ____ ?
A:) 1721
B:) 1722
C:) 1723
D:) 1724
springline- Correct option: B:) 1722
17. The play might also be seen as a comedy of manners in which the comedy arises from the gap between the standards of behaviour the characters regard as proper in polite society, and the more informal behaviours they are prepared to indulge or deploy in settings they deem less constrained by such standards. Kate's stooping and Marlow's nervousness are also examples of _______?
A:) Comedy of menace
B:) Comedy of Error
C:) Comedy of Rumours
D:) romantic comedy
springline- Correct option: D:) romantic comedy
18. Who is a well-educated man, ‘bred a scholar’, brash and rude to Mr. Hardcastle, owner of ‘Liberty Hall’, and sophisticated and has travelled the world, And around working-class women he is a lecherous rogue, but around those of an upper-class card he is a nervous, bumbling fool ?
A:) Hastings
B:) Tony
C:) Marlow
D:) Mr.Hardcastle
springline- Correct option: C:) Marlow
19. She Stoops to Conquer which was written by Oliver Goldsmith. Who quoted him as saying, ‘I know of no comedy for many years that has so much exhilarated an audience that it has answered so much the great end of comedy – making an audience merry’ ?
A:) Alexander Pope
B:) Johnson
C:) William Blake
D:) James Boswell
springline- Correct option: D:) James Boswell
20. Oliver Goldsmith was an Anglo-Irish novelist, playwright and poet, who is best known for his novel The Vicar of Wakefield , his pastoral poem The Deserted Village , and his plays The Good-Natur'd Man and She Stoops to Conquer (1771), first performed in 1773). He was a____?
A:) England Poet
B:) Italy Poet
C:) Canadian Poet
D:) American Poet
springline- Correct option: C:) Canadian Poet
21. Goldsmith's birth date and year are not known with certainty . The location of his birthplace is also uncertain. He was born either in the townland of Pallas. According to the Library of Congress authority file, he told a biographer that he was born on 10 November______?
A:) 1728
B:) 1729
C:) 1730
D:) 1731
springline- Correct option: A:) 1728
22. Who wrote that Goldsmith ‘recognised with joy the existence and perfections of a Deity. For the Christian revelation also, he was always understood to have a profound respect – knowing that it was the source of our best hopes and noblest expectations ?
A:) William Congreve
B:) Thomas Hurst
C:) Harold Pinter
D:) Richard Steel
springline- Correct option: B:) Thomas Hurst
23. She Stoops to Conquer; This comic masterpiece mocked the simple morality of sentimental comedies. Subtitled The Mistakes of a Night, the play is a lighthearted farce that derives its charm from the misunderstandings which entangle the well-drawn characters. ) She Stoops to Conquer, comedy in five acts by Oliver Goldsmith, produced and published in ______?
A:) 1773
B:) 1772
C:) 1771
D:) 1770
springline- Correct option: 1770
24. When Oliver Goldsmith died he had achieved eminence among the writers of his time as an essayist, a poet, and a dramatist. He was one ‘who left scarcely any kind of writing untouched and who touched nothing that he did not adorn”—such was the judgment expressed by his friend________?
A:) Dr. Johnson
B:) Richard Steel
C:) Sir Walter Scott
D:) Alexander Pope
springline- Correct option: A:) Dr. Johnson
25. She Stoops to Conquer; Kate's servant , The woman who tells her that Marlow believed Kate to be a barmaid, which leads Kate towards her plan to stoop and conquer , Who is that Kate’s servant?
A:) Diggory
B:) Maid
C:) Landlord
D:) Jeremy
springline- Correct option: B:) Maid
26. Marlow and Hastings treat Hardcastle cruelly because they think him the landlord of an inn, and are confused by his behavior, which seems forward. The same behavior would have seemed appropriately high-class if they hadn't been fooled by _____?
A:) Kate
B:) Hasting
C:) Hardcastle
D:) Tony
springline- Correct option: D:) Tony
27. Goldsmith's play in context shows his desire to reintroduce his audience to the ‘laughing comedy’ that derived from a long history of comedy that mocks human vice. This type of comedy stands in contrast to the then-popular _____?
A:) Reformation comedy
B:) Restoration comedy
C:) Romantic comedy
D:) Sentimental comedy
springline- Correct option: D:) Sentimental comedy
28. The prologue is attributed to David Garrick, Esq., a popular actor of his day. The basic premise of the prologue is that the comic arts are passing away, and that Dr. Goldsmith might prove the doctor, and She Stoops to Conquer the medicine, that will cease its death. At the play's opening, Who enters and speaks a prologue?
A:) Mr. Woodward
B:) Mr.Gardner
C:) Mr. Shuter
D:) Mr. Dubellamy
springline- Correct option: A:) Mr. Woodward
29. She Stoops to Conquer; A main moral message of this play is that truth does not necessarily appear on the surface, but has to be searched out. Although it can often seem immoral to use stratagems to discover the truth about people. Who stoops to conquer in She Stoops to Conquer?
A:) Marlow
B:) Hardcastle
C:) Tony
D:) Kate
springline- Correct option: D:) Kate
30. She Stoops to Conquer; Who is the character with whom the audience sympathizes the most and the central plot revolves around her trying to find a husband who will be compatible with her rather than just one of the right social class ?
A:) Mrs. Hardcastle
B:) Kate
C:) Constance
D:) landlady
springline- Correct option: B:) Kate