1. Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard is a poem by Thomas Gray, completed in 1750 and first published in 1751. The poem's origins are ____?
a) Greek
b) Hebrew
c) Italy
d) Unknown
springline- Correct option: d) Unknown
2. Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard; Originally titled Stanzas Wrote in a Country Church-Yard, the poem was completed when Gray was living near St Giles' parish church at Stoke Poges. It was partly inspired by Gray's thoughts following the death of the poet Richard West in ______?
a) 1741
b) 1742
c) 1743
d) 1745
springline- Correct option: b) 1742
3. Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard; Gray was eventually forced to publish the work on 15 February 1751 in order to preempt a magazine publisher from printing an unlicensed copy of the poem. It was sent to his friend____?
a) Horace Walpole
b) Richard West
c) Thomas Ashton
d) John Parry
springline- Correct option: a) Horace Walpole
4. Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard ;The poem argues that the remembrance can be good and bad, and the narrator finds comfort in pondering the lives of the obscure rustics buried in the churchyard. This poem has a style of____?
a) Elegy
b) Contemporary Ode
c) Sonnet
d) Ballad
springline- Correct option: b) Contemporary Ode
5. The two versions of the poem, Stanzas and Elegy, approach death differently; the first contains a stoic response to death, but the final version contains an epitaph which serves to repress the narrator's fear of dying. The epitaph is a short text honoring a _________?
a) army man
b) Victory person
c) deceased person
d) loved one
springline- Correct option: c) deceased person
6. Gray's life was surrounded by loss and death, and many people whom he knew died painfully and alone. In 1749, several events occurred that caused Gray stress. His aunt was died, the loss was compounded a few days later by news that his friend since childhood Horace Walpole had been almost killed by ______?
a) Two highwaymen
b) three thieves
c) Fellow poet
d) Enemies
springline- Correct option: a) Two highwaymen
7. The events(aunt’s death, friend’s death) dampened the mood that Christmas, and Antrobus's death was ever fresh in the minds of the Gray family. As a side effect, the events caused Gray to spend much of his time contemplating his own _______?
a) Religious
b) Mortality
c) Church
d) Morality
springline- Correct option: b) Mortality
8. Gray's meditations during spring 1750 turned to how individuals' reputations would survive. Eventually, Gray remembered some lines of poetry that he composed in 1742 , following the death of ______?
a) West
b) East
c) North
d) South
springline- Correct option: a) West
9. Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard; Using that previous material, Gray began to compose a poem that would serve as an answer to the various questions he was pondering. On 3 June 1750, Gray moved to Stoke Poges, and When he completed Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard ?
a) July 6
b) June 10
c) June 12
d) July 15
springline- Correct option: c) June 12
10.Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard ; The version that was later published and reprinted was a 32-stanza version with the ‘Epitaph’ conclusion. Before the final version was published, it was circulated in London society by _____?
a) Swift
b) Samuel Johnson
c) Thomas Gray
d) Walpole
springline- Correct option: d) Walpole
11. By February 1751, Gray received word that William Owen, the publisher of the Magazine of Magazines, would print the poem on 16 February; the copyright laws of the time did not require Gray's approval for publication. With Walpole's help, Gray was able to convince to ,Whom to print the poem on 15 February as a quarto pamphlet?
a) Richard West
b) Robert Dodsley
c) John Scott
d) John Langhorne
springline- Correct option: b) Robert Dodsley
12. Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard; Who added a preface to the poem reading: ‘The following POEM came into my hands by Accident, if the general Approbation with which this little Piece has been spread, may be call'd by so slight a Term as Accident ?
a) Edward Moore
b) Robert Dodsley
c) Walpole
d) John Cunningham
springline- Correct option: c) Walpole
13. In a 20 February letter to Walpole, Gray thanked him for intervening and helping to get a quality version of the poem published before Owen. It was so popular that it was reprinted twelve times and reproduced in many different periodicals until ______?
a) 1765
b) 1766
c) 1764
d) 1768
springline- Correct option: a) 1765
14. Who was in his work of Memoirs, discussed his friend Gray and the origins of Elegy: ‘I am inclined to believe that the Elegy in a Country Church-yard was begun, if not concluded, at this time [August 1742] also: Though I am aware that as it stands at present, the conclusion is of a later date; how that was originally I shall show in my notes on the poem’?
a) John Langhorne
b) Oliver Goldsmith
c) William Mason
d) Edward Moore
springline- Correct option: c) William Mason
15. Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard; Who argued that the early version had a balance that set up the debate, and was clearer than the later version and also argued that the early poem fits classical models, including Virgil's Georgics and Horace's Epodes ?
a) Roger Lonsdale
b) William Manson
c) John Cunningham
d) Tennyson
springline- Correct option: a) Roger Lonsdale
16. Who wrote to Mason to say: ‘The Churchyard was, I am persuaded, posterior to West's death at least three or four years, as you will see by my note. At least I am sure that I had the twelve or more first lines from himself above three years after that period, and it was long before he finished it’?
a) Thomas Gray
b) Walpole
c) Robert Browning
d) T.S. Eliot
springline- Correct option: b) Walpole
17. Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard ; The poem is not a conventional part of the Classical genre of Theocritan elegy, because it does not mourn an individual. The use of ‘elegy’ is related to the poem relying on the concept of lacrimae rerum, or disquiet regarding the_______?
a) death
b) tragedy
c) human condition
d) happens
springline- Correct option: c) human condition
18. Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard ,the poem as compared to recording personal loss such as John Milton's ‘Lycidas’, it lacks many of the ornamental aspects found in that poem. Gray's is natural, whereas Milton's is more artificially designed. In evoking the English countryside, the poem belongs to the picturesque tradition found in John Dyer’s_____?
a) Grongar Hill
b) William Cobbett
c) Edward Jerningham
d) John Duncombe
springline- Correct option: a) Grongar Hill
19. Whose argument was a guess, but he argued that one of Gray's poems from the Eton Manuscript, a copy of Gray's handwritten poems owned by Eton College, was a 22-stanza rough draft of the Elegy called ‘Stanza's Wrote in a Country Church-Yard’?
a) William Cobbett
b) William Manson
c) Walpole
d) H.P. Houghton
springline- Correct option: b) William Manson
20. Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard; The poem, as it developed from its original form, advanced from the Horatian manner and became more Miltonic. The poem actively relied on ‘English’ techniques and language. The stanza form, quatrains with an rhyme scheme of_______?
springline- Correct option: a) ABAB
21. Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard which connects with many earlier British poems that contemplate death and seek to make it more familiar and tame, including Jonathan Swift's satirical Verses on the Death of Dr. Swift. But when compared to other works by the so-called Graveyard poets, such as Blair's _______?
a) The Burial
b) The Cemetery
c) The Graveyard
d) The Grave
springline- Correct option: d) The Grave
22. Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard; The poem's primary message is to promote the idea of ‘Englishness’, and the pastoral English countryside. The earlier version lacks many of the later version's English aspects, especially as Gray replaced many classical figures with English ones: Cato the Younger by Hampden, Tully by Milton, and Julius Caesar by ________?
a) Oliver Cromwell
b) Shakespeare
c) Wordsworth
d) Homer
springline- Correct option: a) Oliver Cromwell
23. The 18th-century writer Who was said by Sir William Forbes, 6th Baronet to have written a letter to him claiming, ‘Of all the English poets of this age, Mr. Gray is most admired, and I think with justice; yet there are comparatively speaking but a few who know of anything of his, but his 'Church-yard Elegy,' which is by no means the best of his works ?
a) Robert Blair
b) William Manson
c) Robert Burns
d) James Beattie
springline- Correct option: d) James Beattie
24. Thomas Gray (26 December 1716 – 30 July 1771) was an English poet, letter-writer, classical scholar, and professor at Pembroke College, Cambridge. He is widely known for his Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard, published in 1751. Gray was a self-critical writer who published only 13 poems in his lifetime, despite being very popular. He was even offered the position of Poet Laureate in ______?
a) 1756
b) 1757
c) 1755
d) 1758
springline- Correct option: b) 1757
25. Gray came to be known as one of the ‘Graveyard poets’ of the late 18th century, along with Oliver Goldsmith, William Cowper, and Christopher Smart. His writing is conventionally considered to be _______?
a) pre-eminent
b) pre-critic
c) pre-romantic
d) pre-elegiac
springline- Correct option: c) pre-romantic
26. Gray made three close friends at Eton: Horace Walpole, son of the Prime Minister Robert Walpole; Thomas Ashton; and Richard West, son of another Richard West who was briefly Lord Chancellor of Ireland. Gray began seriously writing poems in 1742, mainly after the death of his close friend ________?
a) John Parry
b) Thomas Ashton
c) Walpole
d) Richard West
springline- Correct option: d) Richard West
27. Elegy’ contemplates such themes as death and afterlife. These themes foreshadowed the upcoming Gothic movement. It is suggested that perhaps Gray found inspiration for his poem by visiting the grave-site of his aunt,______?
a) Mary Antrobus
b) Aunt Becky
c) Elizabeth Porter
d) Mary William
springline- Correct option: a) Mary Antrobus
28. Samuel Johnson also said of Gray that he spoke in ‘two languages’. He spoke in the language of ‘public’ and ‘private’ and according to Johnson, he should have spoken more in his private language as he did in his ______?
a) Sonnet
b) Elegy
c) Ode
d) Epic
springline- Correct option: b) Elegy
29. Which details that appear in Gray’s Elegy and The Bard are a part of the first foreshadowing of the Romantic movement that dominated the early 19th century, when William Wordsworth and the other Lake poets taught people to value the picturesque, the sublime, and the ____?
a) Gothic
b) Romantic
c) Death
d) Mourning
springline- Correct option: a) Gothic
30. A kinship between Gray's Elegy and Oliver Goldsmith's The Deserted Village has been recognised, although the latter was more openly political in its treatment of the rural poor and used heroic couplets, where the elegist poets kept to quatrains of _______?
a) Slant rhymed
b) Cross-rhymed
c) Masculine rhyme
d) eye-rhymed
springline- Correct option: b) Cross-rhymed