1) The Tragical History of the Life and Death of Doctor Faustus, commonly referred to simply as Doctor Faustus, is an Elizabethan tragedy by Christopher Marlowe, based on ________?
A:) Italian Stories
B:) German Stories
C:) British Stories
D:) American Stories
springline's Correct option: B:) German Stories
2) Doctor Faustus was written sometime between 1589 and 1592, and may have been performed between 1592 and Marlowe's death in 1593. Several years later, two different versions of the play were published in the __________?
A:) Jacobean Era
B:) Elizabethan Era
C:) Tudor Period
D:) Victorian era
springline's Correct option: A:) Jacobean Era
3) The Faust of early books—as well as the ballads, dramas, movies, and puppet-plays which grew out of them—is irrevocably damned because he prefers human to divine knowledge: 'he laid the Holy Scriptures behind the door and under the bench, refused to be called doctor of theology, but preferred to be styled ________?
A:) Doctor of Black magic
B:) Doctor of Physics
C:) Doctor of spiritualism
D:) Doctor of medicine
springline's Correct option: D:) Doctor of medicine
4) Who reworking of the story, two hundred years later, Faust becomes a dissatisfied intellectual who yearns for 'more than earthly meat and drink' in his life?
A:) Thomas Kyd
B:) George Chapman
C:) Goethe
D:) John Marston
springline's Correct option: C:) Goethe
5) The play Doctor Faustus may have been entered into the Stationers' Register on 18 December 1592, though the records are confused and appear to indicate a conflict over the rights to the play. A subsequent Stationers' Register entry, dated 7 January 1601, assigns the play to the bookseller Thomas Bushnell, the publisher, the first edition of __________?
A:) 1604
B:) 1603
C:) 1606
D:) 1605
springline's Correct option: A:) 1604
6) The name of the devil is in each case a reference to Mephistopheles in Faustbuch, the source work, which appeared in English translation in about the year of________?
A:) 1587
B:) 1586
C:) 1584
D:) 1588
springline's Correct option: D:) 1588
7) The 1604 version was once believed to be closer to the play as originally performed in Marlowe's lifetime, simply because it was older. The 1616 version omits 36 lines. How many newlines were added in this version?
A:) 565
B:) 767
C:) 676
D:) 765
springline's Correct option: C:) 676
8) As in many Elizabethan plays, there is a character (which functions as a narrator), that does not interact with the other characters but rather provides an introduction and conclusion to the play and, at the beginning of some Acts, introduces events that have unfolded. Who is that character?
A:) Muses
B:) Protagonist
C:) Chorus
D:) Author
springline's Correct option: C:) Chorus
9) The play Doctor Faustus is in blank verse and prose in thirteen scenes (1604) or twenty scenes (1616). Modern texts divide the play into five acts; act 5 being the shortest. Blank verse is largely reserved for the main scenes; prose is used in the____?
A:) Tragic scenes
B:) Comic Scenes
C:) Romantic scenes
D:) Prologue
springline's Correct option: B:) Comic Scenes
10) Along with its history and language style, scholars have critiqued and analysed the structure of the play. Who wrote a document entitled In the Opening and Close of Doctor Faustus, which mainly focuses on Faustus's opening and closing soliloquies ?
A:) Goethe
B:) Ben Johnson
C:) Leonard H.Frey
D:) John Fletcher
springline's Correct option: C:) Leonard H.Frey
11) In the prologue, the Chorus introduces the story of Faustus to the readers. He is described as being 'base of stock'; however, his intelligence and scholarship eventually earns him the degree of a Doctor at the__________?
A:) University of Wit
B:) University of Cambridge
C:) University of Oxford
D:) University of Wittenberg
springline's Correct option: D:) University of Wittenberg
12) Faustus depreciates Logic as merely being a tool for arguing; Medicine as being unvalued unless it allowed raising the dead and immortality; Law as being mercenary and beneath him; and Divinity as ________?
A:) Sin
B:) Useful
C:) Useless
D:) Mercy
springline's Correct option: C:) Useless
13) Though Faustus seems momentarily dissuaded, he is apparently won over by the Bad Angel, proclaiming, 'How am I glutted with conceit of this' ('conceit' meaning the possibilities magic offers to him). Who declare that if Faustus devotes himself to magic, great things are indeed possible with someone of Faustus' learning and intelligence?
A:) Lucifer
B:) Valdes and Cornnelius
C:) Good and Bad angle
D:) Chorus
springline's Correct option: B:) Valdes and Cornnelius
14) Faustus, seeing the obedience of the demon in changing its form, takes pride in his skill. He tries to bind the demon to his service, but is unable to because Mephistophilis already serves Lucifer, who is also called the______?
A:) Prince of Hell
B:) Prince of Bad muses
C:) Queen of Devil
D:) Prince of Devil
springline's Correct option: D:) Prince of Devil
15) Who introduces the history of Lucifer and the other devils while indirectly telling Faustus that Hell has no circumference nor limit and is more of a state of mind than a physical location?
A:) Mephistophilis
B:) Valdus and Cornnelius
C:) Chorus
D:) Good angle
springline's Correct option: A:) Mephistophilis
16) However, at the end Faustus will give his body and soul over to Lucifer as payment and spend the rest of time as one damned to Hell. This deal is to be sealed in the form of a contract written in Faustus' own blood. After cutting his arm, the wound is divinely healed and the Latin words Homo, fuge! then appear upon it. What’s mean by Homo,fuge! ?
A:) Men, Flee
B:) Men, Sacrifice
C:) Man, Soul
D:) Man, Flee
springline's Correct option: D:) Man, Flee
17) However, the demon seems to be quite evasive and finishes with a Latin phrase, Per inoequalem motum respectu totes ('through unequal motion with respect to the whole thing'). This sentence has not the slightest scientific value, thus giving the impression that Mephistophilis is not trustworthy. Faustus begins by asking Mephistophilis a series questions related to________?
A:) Black Magic
B:) Medicine
C:) Science
D:) Spiritual
springline's Correct option: C:) Science
18) When Faustus announces his intention to renounce magic and repent, Mephistophilis storms away. The good and evil angels return to Faustus: Who urges him to repent and recant his oath to Lucifer?
A:) Good Angel
B:) Evil Angle
C:) Mephistophilis
D:) Beelzebub
springline's Correct option: A:) Good Angel
19) Faustus visits the German emperor Charles V and at his request conjures up Alexander and his paramour. A knight heckles him so he gives him cuckold's horns, which he later, at the emperor's bidding, removes; He sets off on foot for Wittenberg, and sells his horse to a 'horse courser' for _______?
A:) 30 dollars
B:) 25 dollars
C:) 40 dollars
D:) 46 dollars
springline's Correct option: C:) 40 dollars
20) According to Calvin, predestination meant that God, acting of his (Faustus) own free will, elects some people to be saved and others to be damned—thus, the individual has no control over his own ultimate fate. This doctrine was the source of great controversy because it was seen by the so-called anti-Calvinists to limit man's free will in regard to faith and salvation, and to present a dilemma in terms of ________?
A:) theodecy
B:) theodicy
C:) theology
D:) Psychology
springline's Correct option: B:) theodicy
21) Doctor Faustus was performed, the Calvinist doctrine was on the rise in England, and under the direction of Puritan theologians at Cambridge and Oxford had come to be considered the orthodox position of the _____?
A:) Church of Roman
B:) Church of England
C:) Court of England
D:) Church of Catholic
springline's Correct option: B:) Church of England
22) Who connects Faustus as a 'studious artisan' (1.1.56) to the 'hands-on experience' promoted by Paracelsus, sees in the former a follower of the latter, a 'magician as technologist'?
A:) Charles Nicholl
B:) Nicholas Udall
C:) Christopher Marlow
D:) Shakespeare
springline's Correct option: A:) Charles Nicholl
23) Readers initially feel sympathy for the demon when he attempts to explain to Faustus the consequences of abjuring God and Heaven. Who gives Faustus a description of Hell and the continuous horrors it possesses ?
A:) Mephistophilis
B:) Good and Bad angle
C:) Beelzebub
D:) Chorus
springline's Correct option: A:) Mephistophilis
24) Doctor Faustus has raised much controversy due to its alleged interaction with the demonic realm. Before Marlowe, there were few authors who ventured into this kind of writing. After his play, other authors began to expand on their views of the ________?
A:) Scientific world
B:) Supersitious world
C:) Spiritual world
D:) Scholars world
springline's Correct option: C:) Spiritual world
25) According to one author, this places the play firmly in the Elizabethan period when the problem of magic ('liberation or damnation?') was a matter of debate, and when Renaissance occultism aimed at a furthering of science. Who is the author?
A:) Charles Nicholl
B:) Ben Johnson
C:) Leonard H.Frey
D:) John Fletcher
springline's Correct option: A:) Charles Nicholl
26) Some scholars also believe that he greatly influenced William Shakespeare, who was baptised in the same year as Marlowe and later succeeded him as the pre-eminent Elizabethan playwright. Marlowe was the first to achieve critical reputation for his use of __________?
A:) playwright
B:) Prose
C:) Blank verse
D:) Comic scene
springline's Correct option: C:) Blank verse
27) Reports of Marlowe's death in 1593 were particularly infamous in his day and are contested by scholars today due to a lack of good documentation. An official coroner's account of Marlowe's death was only revealed in _______?
A:) 1912
B:) 1930
C:) 1906
D:) 1925
springline's Correct option: D:) 1925
28) Marlowe's plays were enormously successful, possibly due to the imposing stage presence of his lead actor. Who was unusually tall for the time and the haughty roles of Tamburlaine, Faustus and Barabas were probably written for him?
A:) Edward Alleyn
B:) Ben Johnson
C:) Leonard H.Frey
D:) John Fletcher
springline's Correct option: A:) Edward Alleyn
29) The Tragical History of the Life and Death of Doctor Faustus; a very large 35-character cast, plus other additional scholars, cardinals, soldiers, and devils. Based on the German Faustbuch, which itself can be traced to a fourth-century tale known as _______?
A:) Devil’s play
B:) The Devil’s Fact
C:) Devil’s World
D:) The Devil’s Pact
springline's Correct option: D:) The Devil’s Pact
30) A Marlowe Memorial in the form of a bronze sculpture of The Muse of Poetry by Edward Onslow Ford was erected by subscription in Buttermarket, Canterbury in ________?
A:) 1906
B:) 1891
C:) 1895
D:) 1902
springline's Correct option: B:) 1891