1) The Book of Job is the 18th book in the Hebrew Bible or Old Testament. The Hebrew Bible, which is also called the _______?
A:) Genesis
B:) Tanakh
C:) Aramic
D:) Tamlia
springline's Correct option: B:) Tanakh"),
2) The Bible says ; a man whose name was Job. He feared God and shunned evil. The Bible also says, a man lived in “the land of_______?
A:) Land of Us
B:) Land of Uz
C:) Land of Ux
D:) Land of Uk
springline's Correct option: B:) Land of Uz"),
3) A man whose name was Job, he had seven sons and three daughters, and he owned seven-thousand sheep, five hundred yoke of oxen and five hundred donkeys; How many camels he had?
A:) Five hundred
B:) Five thousand
C:) Three Hundred
D:) Three thousand
springline's Correct option: D:) Three thousand"),
4) Job had a large number of servants. 'When a period of feasting had run its course, Job would send and have them purified. He was the greatest man among all the people of the ________?
A:) East
B:) West
C:) North
D:) South
springline's Correct option: A:) East"),
5) Early in the morning he would sacrifice a burnt offering for each of them, thinking, 'Perhaps my children have sinned and cursed God in their hearts. This was Job's regular custom.' The Bible also says that Job was a pious, rich, loyal and a man who loved_______?
A:) Friends
B:) God
C:) Children
D:) Goat
springline's Correct option: B:) God"),
6) God tells Satan about his servant Job and how good he is. Who says, that the only reason why he is like that is because God was good to him and gave him sons and daughters and many animals?
A:) God
B:) Job
C:) Satan
D:) Angle
springline's Correct option: C:) Satan"),
7) The first test Satan did was to take away all of Job's animals, killing the servants that were with the animals, and killing all of Job's sons and daughters while they were eating together. Even though Satan did these things to Job, Job did not _________?
A:) angry with god
B:) cruse god
C:) Sin
D:) love god
springline's Correct option: B:) cruse god"),
8) Even though Job lost everything he had and suffered from painful sores all over his body, he did not sin against God by cursing him. Satan had failed in trying to make him sin. This is the final time Satan is mentioned in the Book of Job. Who told him to curse god and die?
A:) Job’s Son
B:) Job’s Wife
C:) Job’s friend
D:) Satan
springline's Correct option: B:) Job’s Wife"),
9) When Job's friends heard about the things that happened to him they went to comfort him. Most of the book tells about Job and his friends talking. The names of his friends are Eliphaz, and ________?
A:) Zaphor
B:) Zphoar
C:) Zoaphar
D:) Zophar
springline's Correct option: D:) Zophar"),
10) Towards the end of the book, Who start to think that Job is not good because a lot of bad things are happening to him?
A:) Job’s Wife
B:) Job’s Friends
C:) Elihu
D:) God
springline's Correct option: B:) Job’s Friends"),
11) After God speaks to Job and his three friends, God asks Job where he was when he created the earth and filled it with amazing things (meaning that it is not possible for man to understand God's ways). Who pray for his friends?
A:) Job
B:) Job’s Friend
C:) Critic
D:) People
springline's Correct option: A:) Job"),
12) In the book of Job, at the end, God answers his prayer. God blesses Job because he did not curse Him. God gives him more than he had before. How many friends Job had?.
A:) Two
B:) Three
C:) Four
D:) One
springline's Correct option: B:) Three"),
13) Hebrew Bible which texts are almost exclusively in Hebrew, with a few passages in Aramaic. Aramaic is a Semitic language. It has been written for 3100 years and has been spoken for longer than that. It is one of the Semitic languages in______?
A:) Northeast
B:) Eastwest
C:) North South
D:) Northwest
springline's Correct option: D:) Northwest"),
14) The Semitic languages include Aramaic, Hebrew, Arabic and many other languages. Aramaic is the language of long parts of the two Bible books of Daniel and Ezra. Hebrew is a Semitic language. It was first spoken in ________?
A:) Israel
B:) Jerusalem
C:) Arabic
D:) Islam
springline's Correct option: A:) Israel"),
15) After Judah was conquered by Babylonia, the Jews were taken captive (prisoner) to Babylon and started speaking Aramaic. Hebrew was no longer used much in daily life, but it was still known by Jews who studied _________?
A:) Anthroponymy
B:) Torah
C:) Halakha
D:) Talmud
springline's Correct option: C:) Halakha"),
16) Hebrew Bible is a term that refers to the common portions of the Jewish canon and the Christian canons. In its Latin form, Biblia Hebraica, it is used as a title for printed editions of the ________?
A:) Masoretic text
B:) Halja text
C:) Vulgate
D:) Lordish
springline's Correct option: A:) Masoretic text"),
17) Different religious communities include (or exclude) certain books from the Old Testament. The Catholic Church uses Saint Jerome's Latin translation of the Old Testament called _________?
A:) Apocrypha
B:) Bible
C:) Vulgate
D:) Biblical Canon
springline's Correct option: C:) Vulgate"),
18) In Christianity, the Old Testament is the name of the first part of the Bible which was completed before Jesus Christ was born. Scholars prefer the term ___________?
A:) Biblical Canon
B:) Hebrew Bible
C:) Old Bible
D:) Genesis
springline's Correct option: B:) Hebrew Bible"),
19) The God of the Old Testament is not always presented as the only God who exists Even though there may be other gods, the God of the Old Testament is always shown as the only God whom Israel is to worship. The God of the Old Testament is the one 'true God'; only ______?
A:) Jesus Christ
B:) Yahweh
C:) Weyhan
D:) Greek God
springline's Correct option: B:) Yahweh"),
20) The Book of Job consists of a prose prologue and epilogue narrative framing poetic dialogues and monologues. It is common to view the narrative frame as the original core of the book, enlarged later by the poetic dialogues and _______?
A:) Themes
B:) Verses
C:) Prose
D:) Discourses
springline's Correct option: D:) Discourses"),
21) In the Book of Job ; The Sections of the book such as the Elihu speeches and the wisdom poem of chapter 28 as late insertions, but recent trends have tended to concentrate on the book's underlying editorial unity. Prologue in two scenes, the first scene on ______?
A:) Heaven
B:) Earth
C:) Hell
D:) Cloud
springline's Correct option: B:) Earth"),
22) Eliphaz is called a Temanite . He is one of the friends or comforters of Job in the Book of Job in the Hebrew Bible. Albert Barnes suggests that, because he spoke first each time, Eliphaz may have been the eldest of the friends. Albert Barnes who is a__________?
A:) English Historian
B:) British Linguistic
C:) American Theologian
D:) Italian Historian
springline's Correct option: C:) American Theologian"),
23) Eliphaz appears mild and modest. In his first reply to Job's complaints, he argues that those who are truly good are never entirely forsaken by Providence, but that punishment may justly be inflicted for _________?
A:) Secret Love
B:) Secret Sins
C:) Secret mistakes
D:) Secret Justice
springline's Correct option: B:) Secret Sins"),
24) Bildad was one of Job's three friends who visited the patriarch in the Hebrew Bible's Book of Job. He was a descendant of Shuah, son of Abraham and Keturah (Genesis 25:1 - 25:2), whose family lived in the deserts of _______?
A:) Africa
B:) Arabia
C:) Israel
D:) Jerusalem
springline's Correct option: B:) Arabia"),
25) In The Book of Job;“Will no one rebuke you when you mock? You say to God, ‘My beliefs are flawless and I am pure in your sight.’; Whose comment is this?
A:) Bildad
B:) Critic
C:) Zophar
D:) Eliphaz
springline's Correct option: C:) Zophar"),
26) God gives Satan permission to take Job's wealth and kill his children and servants, but Job nonetheless praises God. In which Chapter, God further allows Satan to afflict Job's body with boils?
A:) Chapter 1
B:) Chapter 2
C:) Chapter 28
D:) Chapter 20
springline's Correct option: B:) Chapter 2"),
27) Who describes this prologue as 'just sufficient to make the reader acquainted with and interested in the hero of the book, relating who he was and what was the occasion of the following controversy, but nothing more' ?
A:) Stanley Leathes
B:) Richard Hooker
C:) Peter Payne
D:) John Brown
springline's Correct option: A:) Stanley Leathes"),
28) Elihu is a critic of Job and his three friends in the Hebrew Bible's Book of Job. He is said to have been the son of Barachel and a descendant of Buz, who may have been from the line of _________?
A:) Abraham
B:) Astrophel
C:) New Testament
D:) Genesis
springline's Correct option: A:) Abraham"),
29) Who argues that the 'friends' or companions in this verse are not his three friends Bildad, Eliphaz, and Zophar, but 'most probably Job is considered here the centre of a circle of persons who cherished the same irreligious doubts in regard to God’s providence as he did'?
A:) Diodorus Siculus
B:) Strabo
C:) Andrew B. Davidson
D:) Voltaire
springline's Correct option: C:) Andrew B. Davidson"),
30) The Hymn to Wisdom, introduces another theme, divine wisdom. The hymn does not place any emphasis on retributive justice, stressing instead the inaccessibility of wisdom. Wisdom cannot be invented or purchased. “The Hymn to Wisdom” the theme were in the chapter of_________?
A:) 29
B:) 28
C:) 26
D:) 25
springline's Correct option: B:) 28"),